Chapter 3

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Penelope pov

I put on a maroon and white dress that went down to my knees.

I had also braided my hair and tied it with a maroon bow at the top.

It is currently 9 pm.

Giyuu understands me so well. He knows exactly what I want to do... He's always so nice to me...

I am really excited today! I'll be going out for the first time after an year! (She was quarantined lol)

I waited for Giyuu in my room.

Just then


The sound of knocking came from the window.

"KYAAA!" - Penelope

"Shhh! It's me!" - Giyuu

I pulled open the curtains and saw Giyuu standing outside my window. He was wearing his usual clothes.

I opened the window for him and he hopped inside.

"...Sorry... I was startled.... To be fair, you never told me you'd be coming in through the window!" - Penelope

He looked down at his feet then at me.

I did a little twirl.

"Do you like it?" - Penelope

He looked shocked and a melancholic look formed on his face. 

He opened his mouth to say something but a voice from outside the door interrupted us.

The person outside tried to come in but the efforts were futile as I had already locked the door.

"Hey! I heard something! Open the door this instant!" - ???

Oh no! Reynold! I forgot that his room was just below mine!

I shoved Giyuu into my wardrobe and gave him a look that silenced any protests he might have had.

I then draped a blanket around myself and slightly opened the door.

"Why are you here?" - Penelope

"I was passing by and heard something! Is somebody in there with you?!" - Reynold

"Uhh.. no... You're scaring me right now.... What did you hear?" - Penelope

"Umm... I think it was you screaming....?" - Reynold

"Oh you heard that?" - Penelope

"Why did you scream?! Do you have any idea how late it is?!" - Reynold

"I thought I saw something." - Penelope

"Huh? Let me see!" - Reynold

"Why do you even care?!" - Penelope

If this had happened two to three years ago I would've been very happy.

But right now if he keeps doing this I'll lose my chance to go outside!

"That does not matter! If some lowly creature is trespassing to harm us it will tarnish the Eckhart name!" -  Reynold

Hah! What did I even expect? The Eckhart name this or that...

Would it hurt to care about me? Even if a little?

What if someone was actually there? What if it wasn't Giyuu? What then? What if they had actually harmed me? They'd still be worried about the Eckhart name... Not me but the Eckhart name.

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