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as the pair had driven down to the lipton house and decided on hiding inside it, they tried to make the place comfortable enough as they'd probably spend a long time there. since the owner of the house -reefer rick- was still in prison, they wouldn't have to worry about him coming back any time soon.

walking into the living room and seeing eddie sitting on the sofa, melissa looked at him with pity. she might've known him for just one day, but a lot happened to them in this one day. they went from being total strangers to two people now hiding from the cops because otherwise they might get caught and be blamed for murder.

watching eddie doing nothing but just picking at his fingernails, melissa felt sorry for him. he saw a friend of his die in front of him and there was literally nothing he could do about it. not a single thing. as he looked in front of him, he felt tired. he felt guilty. seeing it all, melissa decided to try and talk to him.

"hey, uh, eddie?" melissa asked the curly-haired, who turned around as soon as he heard his name, "i'm sorry. about chrissy. i didn't know her at all, or anything, but i know she didn't deserve to die."

"yeah, she didn't. but, can't do anything about it now, can we?" eddie replied, "can i ask you a question, though?"

"of course. you can ask me anything", melissa said as she sat down on the sofa next to eddie.

"before... when you... when you tried to wake her up, tried to save her, you said something about 'don't you die too'. what did you mean 'too'?" he carefully questioned.

melissa's posture changed. her whole body tensed up and she took a deep breath.

"my mum, she died, you know that, of course, but", melissa had to close her eyes to calm down before trying to talk again, "she died in front of me. i saw her dying, i saw her breathing stop. the worst thing is that it was my fault. when chrissy started floating, i lost a lot of hope, but then when you pulled me by my waist, i felt as if her death would, again, be my fault."

"i'm sorry. it's just... that thing that got her to float in the air, i didn't want it to take you, too. i thought that if i pulled you away, you wouldn't get hurt. i was right, of course, but now i'm not so sure. you might not be hurt physically, but i feel as if i hurt you mentally by taking away your right to try save chrissy", eddie explained, "can i ask you why you say it's your fault your mother passed?"

after a long silence, eddie realised it might not be the best question to ask her at this point.

"what was that thing that killed chrissy, though. i mean, i walk in your trailer and there you are, trying to wake her from that trance she was in. then, she starts floating and her bones snap out of nowhere", melissa spoke in a low voice, "there has to be some sort of explanation for it, no?"

"well, it's an explanation i cannot give you", eddie muttered.

after sitting on the sofa for quite some time, melissa felt herself getting tired. not just because she had a long day, but she was tired of the crying she did today.

"what time is it?" eddie asked as he felt himself starting to get tired.

the girl looked at her watch and told eddie it was almost midnight.

"i'll gather some blankets and then we can go to sleep. that is if you want to go to sleep also", eddie said.

melissa nodded and yawned. she was clearly exhausted. eddie stood up from the sofa and walked upstairs, headed towards reefer rick's bedroom. as he took the blankets from the dresser, eddie couldn't help but notice the huge amount of different kinds of drugs. deciding against it, eddie just walked out of the bedroom, back downstairs and into the living room. he walked over to the sofa, about to tell melissa she could have the bedroom, but when he saw the blonde, he noticed she was sleeping peacefully.

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