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A/N | double update who?


"nancy? uh, i know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?" robin inquired.

"yeah", nancy whispered, "come on."

they all stood up and ran down the stairs once again. they headed for the garage, finding four bikes and they came to the realisation two of them had to go on the same bike.

"you each take a bike, mel, hop on mine", eddie said.

everyone nodded and they started biking. luckily, the streets didn't have vines on them, so they didn't have to pay attention to them. they biked as fast as they could and occasionally looked at one another, seeing if they were biking fast enough.

melissa had put her head against eddie's back and tightened her grip around eddie's waist to make sure she wouldn't fall off.

"mel?" eddie asked her suddenly.

the girl hummed, implying she heard him and that he could go on, asking his question.

"when you... kissed me... earlier. before you jumped in the water, you said 'not so bad for a first kiss'. was that really your first?" eddie asked softly.

melissa was so glad eddie couldn't see her face, because she was certain it was more red than a tomato.

"it was", mel shortly replied, "i'm sorry i did it, i was out of li-."

"don't apologise", eddie cut her off, "if you didn't have to dive into the water, i surely wouldn't have minded to do it again."

a smile grew on melissa's face and she noticed eddie taking the lead suddenly. robin was straight behind them and as the two locked eyes, robin flashed her a knowing grin. melissa looked away from the girl and she saw her trailer, tears getting to her eyes. as eddie announced they arrived at his trailer, they all descended their bikes and instead of walking in the twenty-year-old's trailer, melissa walked towards her own.

she stayed put in front of it and a tear slipped from her eye as she thought of her dad, whom she hadn't seen in five days. the blonde felt an arm around her shoulder, but she didn't care. she just thought of moments with her father, wondering if she'd ever see him again.

"mel? you don't live here yet, okay? come on, we need to get going", eddie softened.

the blonde wiped away her tears and looked at the rest of the group, smiling weakly at them.

"that's got to be a guinness world record. most miles travelled interdimensionally", robin said.

"just inhaled a bunch of that crap", steve coughed, "it's stuck in my throat."

the five of them walked inside eddie's trailer and saw what they expected. a motherfucking gate.

"holy shit", steve muttered.

"this is where chrissy died", eddie mentioned, "like, right where she died."

melissa looked at eddie and gulped as she mindlessly took his hand. he squeezed her hand, letting her know he was there and there was nothing to be afraid of.

"i think there's something in there", robin noted.

suddenly, there was loud wet squelching and it seemed as if something was trying to break through the slime. when it didn't work it got pulled back and pushed back with even more force, causing a hole to appear. they all yelped and took a step back when they realised it was a stick trying to move its way through the rest of the slime. steve was the first one to check what was going on and when he got closer, the rest followed them.

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