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eddie shot awake when he heard a sound, causing melissa to groan in annoyance. she had slept terribly because of the boat she had to sleep in. eddie shot up from the boat, the broken beer bottle in his hands and looked outside the window to see who was there, but he saw no one. then, the door opened with a loud bang and eddie cursed to himself while holding the beer bottle as a defence.

"delivery service", dustin joked as he, steve, robin and max came inside with a couple of bags.

they gave him the bags and asked where melissa was as they hadn't seen her yet.

"i'm here, you fuckers", melissa groaned as she was still lying in the boat, "i haven't slept well so i'm sorry if i'm rude. actually, i'm not sorry, what the fuck are you all doing here at... oh, it's ten."

max walked over to the boat and handed melissa her letter and smiled as melissa looked shocked. it's as if she didn't expect her dad to have read it and have written a letter already. she stood up from the boat and rummaged through the bags, hoping to find deodorant in it. when she found one, she immediately sprayed it on herself. max then walked over to eddie, handed him the letter wayne wrote and told him what wayne wanted her to tell him.

"he said to tell you that he loves you too and that he understands you didn't tell him often; he knew", max smiled, "oh, and he's gonna kill you if you get melissa pregnant. it's a line you cannot cross."

eddie chuckled lightly and nodded. he put away the letter and took one of the bags, looking for something to eat. as he took one of the cereal boxes and opened it to start eating, melissa came to sit next to him and took a handful of cereal.

"so we got, uh, some good news and some bad news", dustin started, "how do you prefer it?"

"bad news first, always", eddie stated as if it was the most normal thing ever.

melissa nodded along and asked eddie for a water bottle. he handed her one and she began drinking while dustin went on to tell them the bad news.

"all right. bad news. we tapped into the hawkins pd dispatch with our cerebro and they're definitely looking for both of you. also, they're, uh, pretty convinced one of you killed chrissy. you, eddie, are number one suspect 'cause it was your house", dustin spoke.

"like, 100% kind of convinced", added max.

eddie looked at the teenagers and felt melissa tense up besides him, but didn't say anything about it for her privacy.

"good news?" melissa gulped.

"your names haven't gone public yet", robin replied, "but if we found out about both of you, it's only a matter of time before others do. and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is going to be gunning for either of you."

"hunt the freaks, right?" eddie questioned.

robin agreed immediately and melissa cursed to herself. she was still tired, so processing all of this wasn't going really well. she let her head fall on eddie's shoulders and closed her eyes, pretending this is all a huge nightmare she just has to wake up from.

"so, before that happens, we find vecna, kill him and prove your innocence", dustin said as if it was the easiest thing.

"that's all, dustin? that's all?" snapped eddie.

"yeah, no, that's pretty much it", dustin agreed.

melissa internally groaned at the child's stupidity and stood up to find some very-much needed liquor. if she were to continue follow this conversation, sober was not the way to do it.

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