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melissa woke up in eddie's arms, feeling remotely safe. she yawned and stood up to walk out of eddie's bedroom. she looked around in the kitchen, looking for anything she could eat.

"mel? where are you?" eddie shouted from the bedroom.

"kitchen! why don't you have any food here?" melissa replied.

"i don't know, but when we go to max's you might be able to get some food there", eddie replied, "come back to bed, we still have, like, half an hour before we have to go over there."

melissa sighed, still hungry and decided to just go back to eddie. she walked back into the bedroom and joined eddie under the blankets. she snuggled into eddie's chest and held close to him. she closed her eyes and as if a second went by, she opened her eyes due to hard pounding on the front door.

"shit", melissa cursed, "who the fuck would pound on this door so loudly? i literally just closed my eyes."

"i'll go check", eddie offered, "you start changing, already."

melissa nodded and stepped out of the bed. she turned to eddie and he immediately understood what she needed.

"black sabbath shirt is on the sofa and you can just take another pair of sweatpants until we can get you into your own clothes okay? all right, i'm going to check who it is", eddie informed her.

melissa nodded and watched as eddie walked away. he walked towards the window next to the front door and sighed in relief as he saw robin. when he went to open the door, he saw melissa in his peripheral vision walking towards the sofa behind him, probably about to take the black sabbath shirt. eddie opened the door, revealing robin and she immediately walked inside, closing the door behind her.

"do you realise what time it is? everyone's at max's already and... oh?" eddie turned to look around to where robin was watching and... oh?

melissa was taking the black sabbath shirt from the sofa, but what made eddie and robin say 'oh', was the fact that she was doing it without having any pair of trousers on. melissa turned around to the two of them and looked at them questionably as to why they weren't talking anymore. she noticed eddie looking her up and down and when she looked at robin, she saw she was doing the exact same thing.

"it's just legs, guys", melissa awkwardly smiled.

robin closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to get herself out of the trance she was in. she turned to eddie again and tried not to let her eyes divert to melissa again.

"as i was saying, everyone's at max's and it's eleven-fifteen. now, if you two finally sucked it up and got together, great. i'll leave you two to it, but if you happen to care about defeating that vecna, get dressed and get over there", robin said as she managed to not look at melissa again.

"let me just stop you there", melissa interrupted, "we didn't get together and we do care about defeating vecna. just, let us get dressed and we'll be there as soon as possible."

robin nodded and she walked out of the trailer. eddie turned back to melissa and smiled at her softly.

"so, you get any sleep last night?" eddie asked.

melissa nodded and walked back to eddie's room, having him follow her quickly. he handed melissa a pair of sweatpants and turned around so she could change in all privacy. melissa put on a pair of sweatpants and when she tried to change her shirt, she couldn't. her shirt was stuck in her bra clips.

"eddie?" she hesitated.

eddie turned around and looked at the blonde, wondering what the problem was.

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