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A/N | when you see *** play the song!

!!! TW DEATH !!!


"okay, i want to run through it one more time", nancy announced, "phase one."

"we meet erica at the playground. she'll signal max and lucas when we're ready", robin explained.

nancy nodded.

"phase two."

"max baits vecna", steve replied, "he'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance."

so far, so good.

"phase three?"

"me, eddie and melissa draw the bats away", dustin said.

eddie, proud as he is, ruffled dustin's hoodie and intertwined his and melissa's hands, keeping her calm.


"we head into vecna's hopefully, newly bat-free lair, and..." robin waved with a bottle of alcohol, "flambé."

taking the lead, nancy spoke again.

"nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what", she demanded, "got it?"

"got it", everyone replied in unison.

they all stood up and gathered their weapons before walking out of the camper van. they walked through the woods towards the trailer park and when they arrived at eddie's trailer, they all walked inside, except for robin and melissa. they ran towards melissa's trailer and opened the door, hoping there wasn't anyone inside.

but there was. melissa's father. the blonde looked at him with tears in her eyes and smiled softly. when her father was sure the blonde was standing in front of him, he walked towards her, tears already slipping out of his eyes.

"melissa, baby? is it really you? i'm not hallucinating, am i?" sean quivered as he touched melissa's face carefully.

melissa nodded softly, trying to capture the moment as perfectly as possible. she hadn't seen her father in a week, so seeing him now made her heart beat faster and faster.

"hi," she smiled as her voice broke, "dad, i love you. i love you so much. and i am so, so sorry."

she embraced her father in a tight hug and began crying silently. next to melissa, robin had no idea what to do. she didn't want to interfere, but they also didn't exactly have time for a family reunion.

"dad, i love you so fucking much and believe me, i don't want to, but i don't have a lot of time", melissa began explaining, "it was so good to see you again, but i wish i didn't because saying goodbye now, will be so much harder."

she broke their hug and that's when sean noticed robin standing next to his daughter. he looked confused at her and melissa noticed it quickly.

"dad, this is robin. she's my friend and she's been helping me and eddie. she's been bringing us food and drinks", melissa explained.

robin smiled at sean awkwardly as she waved shortly, hoping he didn't think of her as someone cruel. she cleared her throat, catching melissa's attention and when the blonde looked at her, she imitated playing a guitar.

"we came here to pick up my jackson, actually", melissa said before turning to robin, "it's in my room on my bed. through there."

sean looked at melissa with a look of confusion and asked her why she needed her guitar.

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