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"shit, they look pissed", dustin noted in all chaos.

"well, it's not every day you lose your house and car in one fell swoop", robin responded.

everyone looked at each other in terror, hoping to god steve would get them out of the trailer park safely. suddenly, he yelled for everyone to hold on, but melissa registered it too late, making her fall on top of eddie. she quickly stood up and apologised to the boy as she helped him up. steve quickly got the van off the trailer site and when the van was steady again, everyone took a proper seat.

"sorry", melissa apologised to eddie again.

"hey, don't worry about it. it's all harrington's fault", eddie smiled softly.

melissa smiled and nodded. before she could say anything, eddie decided to ask something first, taking the girl aback.

"you don't happen to still have your notebook, right? and a pen?"

melissa thought for a second, realising she left it at eddie's place. the blonde shook her head, but then came up with an idea.

"this is a house, there must be papers and pens lying somewhere here, right? maybe..." melissa stood up and walked towards one of the built-in closets and opened it, immediately finding what she needed. "here."

she handed eddie a pen and paper and he flashed the girl a smile to say thank you. eddie started writing as soon as he came up with the beginning, while melissa was observing the twenty-year-old carefully and something inside her made her heart flutter when she looked at eddie, who put the end of the pen in between his lips as if to think what he would write next.

"who are you writing to?" melissa asked after a while of observing her friend.

"doesn't matter. i'm not even sure i'll give them the letter", eddie smiled, "it's just... in case anything happens."

melissa looked dumbfounded by the boy's answer. he didn't even look up to her as he responded.

"why would anything happen?" melissa awkwardly laughed, "eddie, we're getting out of this alive."

"you don't know that", eddie immediately replied.

melissa looked to her side seeing lucas and max talking and looked back at the curly-haired in front of her.

"i don't know it, but i do know if something were to happen to you, i'll be the first one to be with you and to help you. even if it means i'll have to sacrifice something", melissa said, "you're going to make it. you hear me? i'll fucking ressurect you if i have to, but you and i are going to be fine. we're going to get our names cleared and i'm going to take you to my trailer and we're going to jam the shit out of life and maybe we'll even go to a couple of concerts together. so, really, you don't need to write the letter."

"i do. if something happens and you're not able to help me, i'll feel guilty i never had the chance to give the letter. but if you're right and nothing happens, i'll smile at the letter, knowing i didn't need it", eddie explained.

melissa's curiosity as to who the letter was addressed to wouldn't go away, so she decided she needed to know the answer.

"who's it for? and yes, it does matter."

"just... a dear friend", replied eddie.

melissa's eyes immediately went to dustin's sleeping figure. she wondered if the 'dear friend' eddie was referring to actually was him and smiled as she watched the boy sleep in peace.

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