So... I've been tagged to do this by @PeriwinkleDreamer who was one of the first people I met on this site seven months ago (can't believe it's been seven months since I started this account and already I have had over 50 people supporting me) I actually didn't know this was a thing until I was informed via email (thank cats that Wattpad emails you when you're mentioned in a story) I also didn't know you can mention people in your book... that's cool I guess... So yeah this has nothing to do with introverts really except that I am one and this paragraph is getting too long...
What's a nickname only your family calls you?
I believe 'The Cat Whisperer' counts for this, yes? I communicate with my cat quite often...
What's a weird habit of yours?
I crack my wrists and all the joints in my hands because it de-stresses me.
Do you have any weird phobias?
Well... where do I begin?
Claustrophobia is the only one I know the technical name for but I'm also terrified of large crowds (introvert status over here) I'm also terrified of guns. I don't know why but even if I am the one holding the gun I am terrified.
What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast out and belt when you're alone?
Let it Go. Nope not even denying that I belt this when the house is empty... at least I can sing though... just saying.
What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
When people talk to you with their back facing you. I don't know if that's because I'm a theater kid or because it's rude.
What's your nervous habit?
Again cracking the joints in my hands.
What side of the bed to you sleep on?
The middle because the cat sleeps on the left and the dog sleeps on the right... half of my bed isn't even mine anymore.
What's your first stuffed animal and it's name?
It was a horse I named Moo-Moo I believe...
What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
I don't drink coffee anymore... and I don't go out to eat or do fast food... or whatever Starbucks is considered.
What's the beauty rule your preach... but never practice?
Always wash your face after wearing makeup all day... sometimes I forget I'm wearing it and sometimes it's 1 in the morning and I don't feel like waking myself up with cold water.
What way do you face in the shower?
Towards the soap? North? Wait... my shower faces East West... I face East.
Do you have any weird body skills?
Again, cracking my joints. But I can make a squeaky voice on command (like when you inhale Helium but without the Helium).
What's your favorite 'comfort food' that's bad but you love to eat?
Cool Ranch Doritos...
What's a phrase of exclamation you always say?
Bud, Yas, Dude, We come in Peace, I am the squirrel king, ect.
Time to sleep - What are you actually wearing?
Either Soccer shorts and a random t-shirt or sweatpants and a tank top or cheesy matching PJ's that a five year old would find dumb.
Time to tag people... who do I know?
I Tag : @RememberMyDeath @NiallsPrincessAlways @stardustmemories
I really don't know that many people huh...
Perks of Being an Introvert
RandomWell I'm an introvert, and although many books have been posted about introverts... how come none have been about the perks of being one? I've seen ones where they explain the social anxiety of an introvert but never what's actually great about i...