I was the only girl in my house, not counting my mom or my grandmother or my dogs or my cat, which meant I had my own room. I've never had a sister; I've never had to share my room, until now. And boy am I lucky that that person that I share my room with is just as weird as me. There is only one key difference. She's what I call an obvious extrovert.
How do I know this?
It's easy, you see. Elementary.
The key factors that make a person an extrovert are; 1) they are loud, this alone doesn't give it away though as some introverts can and will be loud when given the chance, 2) they require a lot of attention, like she doesn't want to be alone for long like a puppy, 3) they miss you even though you've been gone for about an hour, legit, 3) she never needs to recharge by alone time, the only factor that is required for any and every extrovert to have.
In case we've all forgotten, extroverts are people who recharge by connections and conversations with other people. She just seems to get louder and more exited when more people show up, again like a puppy.
Maybe extroverts are just puppy people.
The most amazing thing though, I never thought I'd get along with someone so loud. I always thought I would get annoyed and stay in my room away from everybody else. But that's not the case. It's the opposite. She's become my best friend in under a month. We're practically inseparable.
But why?
Normally people this extroverted get on my nerves quickly. Not her. Maybe it's because we have so much in common. Maybe it's because she understands that sometimes I need to hide away and just do me.
I just asked her, due to the fact that she's doing homework right next to me, wheither she believes she's an introvert or extrovert. Her answer in her words was, "I consider myself an extrovert with introverted qualities."
I think that may be why she and I get along so well...
Random Joke:
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
He had no guts!
Perks of Being an Introvert
RandomWell I'm an introvert, and although many books have been posted about introverts... how come none have been about the perks of being one? I've seen ones where they explain the social anxiety of an introvert but never what's actually great about i...