Slightly Extroverted

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Now, here is where I get a little serious.

And I mean a little.  

Now in public you might be: quiet, secluded, hanging around only people you know

By doing that you are a type of introvert 


Introverts can even be those people that are loud and friendly.  They don't need to be quiet. 

I've been asked this many times.  

"How do you consider yourself an introvert when you talk to everyone?"

Yeah I'm that kind of introvert.  I'm someone who can talk for hours but I need time to recharge afterwords, alone and online.

It's the same with show buisness.  You can be an introvert but still go onstage and preform.

I can make that connection because I act extroverted when I have a show but on a normal day to day basis I probibly don't talk to the amount of people I talk to during a show.

You can't be 100% introverted.  It's impossible. 

But you can't be 100% extroverted either.

You have to be a mixture of both, it just so happens that most people in the world are more extroverted than introverted.  Which is fine.

The rest of us that are mostly introverted are seen as strange, because when given the perfect conditions we can bounce off the walls like any extrovert.

I know what my conditions are, it's a show.  But I want to know if anyone else has had that moment when you aren't introverted at all and you can talk freely to others as if you always could.

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