Getting in "Trouble"

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Introvert = most likely stays in room a lot

Punishment = ... uh... I'm taking away your technowledgy!

Too bad I still have the school laptop that I've been assigned.  It wasn't yours in the first place plus I have to use it at school every day and do homework on it every night... 

I love outsmarting my parents.

They practically just took away my alarm clock XD

Now you may be wondering "Maddy, you're an innocent person what ever could you have done?"

Nothing.  I did nothing.  My brother was getting in trouble for not doing homework and they look in my room and yell "Give me your electronics your grounded for sitting on your butt all day"

I'm sitting on my butt because I'm doing homework!

But It has gotten me thinking.  Do introverts get in trouble as much as extroverts?

 The answers and obvious no.  Extroverts stereotypically love to party and be around people, people who would love to share their stupid ideas with you.  Extroverts yell in public and do the opposite of what their parents tell them if they think they're right (actually that's a teenager thing... don't mind that).  Extroverts are stereotypically bad liers and are usually caught lieing.

Those are random reasons for why extroverts get in trouble... here are the introvert reasons

Introvers stereotypically stay in their rooms and get in trouble for staying in their rooms.  We get in trouble for using too much internet.  We even get in trouble for being quiet sometimes (I got grounded because I didn't say anything for a whole 2 hours :/ )

So yeah when we get in trouble, those few times, nothing really happens.  We stay in our rooms, we start reading books or doodling.  We don't really change when you punish us. :/

A/N:  I can already tell this is going to be a terrible week for me :/ don't expect many updates this week, sorry.

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