Group Work

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"Yes I'll totally work with a bunch of strangers who will take over everything and I'll get a bad grade because of it."


"Notice my sarcasm senpai!"

That was the 'argument' I had with my teacher.  He's a great guy but I'm a "let me work my myself in piece please!" kinda person.

As are most introverts.

But that doesn't mean we're bad at work, we would just rather write our opinion out and turn it in without any distractions.

When we work in groups we tend to loose where our ideas are.

Like I have with this...  I'm not sure where I was going...

But you probibly understand what I'm saying right?  Working with strangers makes it harder for us to get our opinion out there... but sometimes that happens with friends too.

So... good luck on that group project you have... I guess...

Comment below your experiances in a group project and we'll laugh (hopefully) together

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