Social Activity (Yes it happens)

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When you're an introvert you actually get to miss the bad party's that you know you'll get into trouble at...

And yes those happen a lot in high school, or at least that's what I hear...

Introverts still socialize we just choose fewer friends than the majority of people do.

I have maybe 2 friends that will hang out if I'm feeling up to it, but modern day technology actually helps when we feel lonely but don't want anybody around us.

I watch YouTube and comment, or I come on here and chill in the cafe.

Rarely on a weekday will you see me leave my house because I have all the things I need on the inside. 

Food, a blanket, and WIFI.  The 3 things that makes an introvert happy.

We eat, snuggle in our blankets, and search the web at the same time.  


To recharge of course.

I can gather in a room full of people I trust and can talk to, but afterwords I need to recharge like your I-phone (I'm saying your as if you have one because I seem to be the only one without one)

The only problem is I get stressed and exhausted by too many people around (Or in very special cases I will start talking to myself or laughing at jokes that are going on in my head)

After stressing myself too much I start to agitate others to the point of causing full out cry wars when all I wanted was for someone to turn on the WIFI so I can start recharging.

Think of it as a paper due in 2 days and you bust your butt trying to finish it but after 2 hours the first day you're exhausted and can't make yourself do any more work.

What do you do? (don't answer plz)


You get up (to stench the freshly busted bottom) and walk over to your (WIFI using device inserted here) and play games, watch videos, or chat with your friends.

WHY? You might be asking, and I might now be answering.

Because you need to cool down your brain.  

Introverts need to cool down the mental activity that is caused by us being in social interactions for too long.

We just don't like it... 

The great thing about this is we have the best of friends who will watch our backs and understand when we say we can't go to a party.

We have enough free time to think to ourselves, making us realize things faster than someone stressing themselves out with their friends problems.

That is why our limited socialization is good for us.  

Better more trustworthy friends.

An understanding of simpler images.

And time to cool ourselves off before another Social Event.

*so this was all over the place but hope you enjoyed it*

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