Family :/

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So normally we would all see our family and be like,

"Hey Grandma!  So nice to see you're still alive"

But introverts are more like,

"Hi..." please don't hug me for too long...

SO, Family is important and I respect that but when I see people I haven't seen for a long time I'm going to freeze up and become the person I am in public... the introverted person everyone knows and feels awkward about :D

But family's a good thing and somtimes they're the only people we are ourselves around

Even if we haven't seen them in awhile we still know who they are and sometimes we still act the same around them.  Which is a great thing.

Family supports you and although your family calls you shy sometimes they can still call you happy or good.  My family is down for a big family gathering, there are some people I can't talk around but others that I still remember the good times with.  And although I'm quiet in public with them when it's just a few of us at our house I'm the happiest person in the world.

SO remember you're family supports you in every way :)

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