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 The sound of footsteps was barely audible over the constant noise of heavy rain and the occasional rumblings of thunder. Luckily, the shaping of the canyon that surrounded the small family of five almost converged at the top, acting as a roof of sorts, somewhat shielding them from the rain falling steadily from the heavens. The gray clouds darkened the sky, and without the lantern they carried with them, the parents were almost sure that they would have been engulfed in darkness. That said, however, the light of the lantern could only carry so far, and cast moving shadows across the rocky walls, startling the eldest of the children, though they remained silent about it.

Yet, having raised the child from birth, the mother couldn't help but realize the reluctant fear that coated the face of her eldest daughter, Bella. Lowering her free hand to grasp that of her daughter's, the other holding the frame of a slumbering infant, the mother whispered with a reassuring smile, "Almost to the village. Just a little while longer, and we'll have made it. Keep your courage."

Hearing those words from her mother, a small, yet earnest smile crossed the eldest daughter's face as she gazed up to that of her mothers. Her father, seeing the pure innocence and joy on his daughter's face, gave a small laugh, one filled with joy that had the same effect on one's heart as soup did to one's stomach. His son, Will, who's small hand was being gently held in his father's large one, gave out a small giggle as well, unsure what they were laughing about, but laughing nonetheless. It had been a long journey, with much fear and anxiety intertwined within it, but they had almost reached their destination. Just a few more steps, and they would be within the arms of safety. No more looking over their shoulders, afraid of what might be following.

Then, just as if the very thought of them had caused their summoning, the echo of a laugh, filled with malice, bounced off of the canyon walls and reached the ears of the parents. The joy and hope that had colored their faces vanished in a moment, immediately replaced with fear and determination.

"For Hylia's sake..." their father growled, taking out his sword with one hand while pushing his son toward his mother with the other. "They couldn't have left us alone for only a few more moments..."

Releasing Bella's hand to take hold of Will's, their mother led them toward the canyon wall, which appeared completely uninteresting. It was only once one had drawn nearer to it that they might discover a small, diagonal fissure within the rocky surface, the entrance of which to a small cave.

"Get inside. Quickly!" their mother whispered frantically, passing her infant daughter, Lily, into Will's arms, while attempting to herd them into the crevice. "You must stay quiet, and don't come out until we come for you."

"Mom?" Bella questioned, worry evident in her voice as she followed her toward the crack within the wall that her mother was leading her siblings into. "Will everything be okay?"

Turning around to face her eldest daughter, their mother gave a small, yet weak smile. "Yes dear," she answered while reaching her hands behind her neck to untie the cord there. "Just like the times before, everything will be fine."

Yes, what her mother said was true; they had gone through this many times, and had always managed to pull through. However, no matter how many times they did this, Bella couldn't help but be filled with worry.

"Now, take this," lowering her hands from around her neck, their mother held the cord of a necklace within her hands, the amulet dangling from it somehow letting off a subtle blue glow even without a single ray of sunlight to bounce off of it.

"You know how important this is," their mother whispered while hurriedly tying the necklace around her eldest daughter's neck. "Remember, if your father and I don't make it, the only person you can ever give this to is the original owner. Keep your courage and they will find you when the time is right."

Overhearing this, Will turned to his mother with wide eyes, still holding his sleeping infant sister, and whispered with a small voice, "But you and daddy will come back, right? You'll come back and then we can go to the village together?"

There was silence as the mother of these three took a moment to gaze at them, the most valuable treasures in her life. With sad eyes, she replied, "Yes, of course. By morning we will make it to the village together. As a family."

With that, she gathered her children into a brief, yet sincere hug, and then ushered them through the crevice and into the cave within.

"I love you," their mother whispered, before disappearing out of the small field of view the entrance offered.

The children did as they were told. They made little to no noise, and though there were many times they felt tempted to leave that small cave as they heard clashing of weapons, grunts and even screams of frustration, and even saw brief flashes of red lighting from the outside, they remained put, waiting for their parents to come retrieve them.

Through it all, Lily remained asleep within Will's arms, and Bella covered the ears of her young brother. No child should have to hear the noises of their parents having to fight for their lives.

The struggle seemed to have gone on for eternity. Until, suddenly, it stopped. No more noises or flashes of red. Only the rain falling and the thunder rumbling.

Will started to walk toward the entrance, but Bella held out her hand in silent warning, giving an intent stare towards her younger brother that made him stop in his tracks.

'Only once mom and dad come to get us,' she remembered. 'Only then can we come out.'

But they never did. Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours, and yet the three siblings remained hidden, waiting. Waiting for two people who never came.

Throughout that time, Will fell asleep, having passed his still-slumbering sister to Bella. However, no matter how late it was, the eldest daughter remained wide awake, worrying that if she did allow herself to fall asleep, she would admit that in which she refused to come to terms with. And so she sat there, hour after hour, grasping onto the false hope that two familiar faces would come into view.

Morning came. The three children were noticed and found by a travelling merchant who called himself Beedle. It took some time, but he managed to convince them to emerge from their hiding place, and come with him the few steps it took to reach the village.

The village that they were meant to come to with their parents, who never returned that night. Who, Bella knew, they would never see again.

As they walked into the village, Bella reached to her neck, gently taking hold of the necklace there, the last piece of their parents they had left.

That morning, the family of five became a family of three.

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