Chapter 6

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Bella, for the second time that day, was completely embarrassed. And what was even more ironic was that, both times, her embarrassment was at the hands of this feral stranger. This stranger, who was currently laughing in her face.

Lips pinched in a futile attempt to hinder a wide grin from spreading across his face, Link's frame shuddered as a barely-withheld snicker escaped his mouth, blonde hair further framing his face as he slightly tilted his head towards the ground. A slight red dusted his cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to suppress the chuckling and only daring to look up at the still-red-faced Bella for fleeting moments.

Staring at him with wide eyes, her previously accusing finger slowly lowering to her side, the young woman's mouth opened in silent surprise, outraged that this boy would dare laugh, laugh at her when she was currently trying to curse him.

Granted, her insult hadn't exactly been very effective, nor frightening, but it was an insult all the same! Most people would have been shaking in their boots if the girl approached them in such a way.

But not this boy. Nope. He somehow believed this was funny.

After a good, solid moment, in which Bella continued to stare in disbelief at the stranger, Link somewhat managed to retain his laughter, his snickers having disappeared, but a small grin still spread across his features. And as his laughs slowed from a steady flow to a small trickle, a clear 'Ahem' came from the elder in the background.

Turning their heads to face the said elder, knowing very well that Impa only spoke when something needed to be said, the older lady looked down on them from atop her stack of pillows with a tired and amused expression, though, albeit, it held a ting of confusion concerning the exchange between the two young adults within the room.

"I see that you have already met," the aged Sheikah croaked out, her voice thin and papery with age. "Though, perhaps, it would seem that it was not on the best of terms..." A small, breathy laugh followed her statement.

"Grandmother," Will questioned from the back of the room, causing both Bella and Link to turn toward the front doors where Paya, Will and Lily still stood. "Who is this?" the youth questioned, while using one hand to gesture to the blonde stranger. The two youngest siblings began to approach the stranger who stood in the middle of their living room, curiosity and innocence coating their faces. Visitors were rare, especially one who looked as wild as this one.

And Paya... Well, she was still red as an apple and attempting to hide her face.

"Well, my boy," Impa began, a warm smile spreading across her face due to her grandson's curiosity and this newcomer's arrival, "This young man is quite a special visitor, and one that I have been waiting to see again for a very long time."

"What do you mean?" Lily quipped from beside her brother, the inquisitiveness in her voice a twin to her brother's.

Bella's eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at her Grandmother. What could she possibly mean by this boy is special? Special at stealing pumpkins, maybe.

Just as the brunette opened her mouth to ask as much from her grandmother, Impa made a statement that would forever change the lives of every individual within that room.

"I mean that this, my dear," Impa gestured to the boy next to Bella, "This is Link, the boy of legend. This is the Hero of Courage."


Silence covered the air like a blanket. Even the rain seemed to have stopped for a moment in acknowledgement that the Hero of Courage, the wielder of the Master Sword, the boy of legend stood within this living room, awake, alive and breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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