Chapter 4

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 "Are you sure you don't need help with that, my dears?" Impa called out hoarsely from her place atop the cushions as the four teenagers walked out the door, each carrying some sort of crate filled with gardening tools.

"Don't worry, Impa! We've got it under control!" Lily called out to the elder, worried that said person would overexert herself and end up hurt. "There not that heavy. We'll be back once we're done!"

With that, Lily, Will, Bella and Paya began making their way down the many stairs leading up the Chief's house, the wooden boards slightly creaking with the pressure being added upon them. The other three began a small conversation, which Bella slowly tuned out as she examined the village before her.

It was a beautiful day with clear skies, despite the storm the night before. Granted, everything was a little wet, but it was much preferable to work in a damp carrot patch than in a rainy one. And even then, Bella didn't mind getting caught in the rain every now and then, and neither did Will and Lily.

"Hey, Bella? Earth to Bella," With a nudge from Paya, the brunette turned to look at her friend, leaving her train of thoughts behind. "Did you hear what I just said?"

Hanging her head just a bit, Bella's cheeks grew a tad warm from her embarrassment. Looking up hesitantly to meet the gaze of her somewhat-sister, the youth admitted to her ignorance with a small, "No. I'm sorry, I just got lost in thought again."

Both Paya and Will let out a short laugh at the guilty confession, Lily nudging the latter with a smile painted on her face as she leaned over to whisper something in her brother's ear that made the both of them giggle as they carried on their own conversation.

"You've been doing that a lot lately," the young Sheikah stated while giving a nod in greeting to Cado and Olkin who were currently on guard duty, as they stepped off the final step and onto the path below, making their way to Steen's carrot patch, "Are you sure you're sleeping okay? 'Cause if not, Grandmother could make one of her calming teas to help!"

Knowing very well that she had tried several calming teas, all which did nothing to keep the dreams away, Bella simply responded with a, "Yeah, maybe I'll ask," before letting the topic drop.

"Anyway," the brunette huffed while shifting the crate to a more comfortable position in her arms, "what were you talking about before?"

Eyes brightening with the memory of her previous conversation, Paya gave out a little gasp as she said, "Oh, that's right! I was just going to tell you that the inn is actually full right now! Can you believe it?!"

Pointed ears perking up in general interest, Bella glanced over at the Shuteye Inn, which was just barely big enough to be called so, as she questioned, "Really? It doesn't look very busy right now, and the inn hasn't been full in-"

"In years, right?!," the white-haired teen squealed as she placed her crate on the ground before her, Bella following her lead, as they had arrived at Steen's carrot patch. "Mellie told me about it this morning when she was opening her shop! That painter is still staying there, as well as a couple heading for Rito, that merchant I bought Goron Spice from, and a traveler that just came in last night! Isn't that cool?"

Giving out a small sigh, Bella rolled her eyes as Paya knelt down and began pruning the carrot patch, still talking about the last time the inn had been full and how tourists were so rare these days. The young Hylian knew that a full inn was huge news for Paya, but it felt a little pitiful that four more beds being occupied was such an amazing thing. True, Kakariko wasn't exactly a very popular spot to sight see, and some other Hylians still viewed the Sheikah as a threat ever since the King banished them and the Yiga Clan became a large threat, but it was still very disheartening to know that the most exciting local news was that of four more visitors staying the night.

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