Chapter 2

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"There!" With a final push, the last of the pumpkins was loaded onto the wooden cart, about two dozen or so that looked just like it already having been loaded.

Taking a step back to admire their work, the young girl reached her hand upwards to wipe her brow and brush back a few stray pieces of her brown hair, relieved that they had finally accomplished their goal in preparing the many pumpkins that would be shipped to Hateno village in the following days.

As she was doing so, a strong hand landed on her shoulder, causing the youth to turn to look at the beaming smile directed to her.

"Thank you for all your help, Bella!" the elder man said, the joy on his face evident. "Without you, it likely would have taken me much longer to get these pumpkins prepped and loaded!"

He gestured to the almost-empty pumpkin patch, having only a row and a half of the orange fruits left, the rest reduced to merely stems. It was true, they had gotten much done in these past two hours, and it had been tiring work, leaving the two with dirt-covered hands and tired muscles. But it was worth it to help a friend.

"Oh, it wouldn't have taken you that long!" she teased with a smile matching her companion's, turning to face him. "But I'm glad I could help, Olkin! It was the least I could do."

Olkin let out a small chuckle while running a hand through his white beard, the other still resting on her shoulder in a father-like manner. "Yeah, yeah, be modest all you like, but I mean it when I say I appreciate your help! You and your siblings do your part in this village, and we're all grateful for that."

Letting out a small laugh herself, the 16 year old slowly began making her way down one of the many paths that Kakariko village consisted of, a smile still bright upon her face.

"Speaking of my siblings, I should probably get them so they can wash up before dinner. I know I need to, and Steen has likely grown tired of their non-stop chatter after all this time!" Bella gave a small wave over her shoulder to Olkin as a good-bye, before continuing down the path.

She didn't make it another two steps before she was stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, they're with Steen?" Olkin called out to the girl, slight confusion riddling his face.

"Yes, they're helping him harvest carrots," Bella replied as she turned to face him, having to raise her voice slightly due to the distance created between the two. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well," Olkin answered, hesitancy plain of his face where a smile was just a moment ago. "The thing is that Steen's been on guard duty for the past hour and a half. So unless Will and Lily are just really eager to harvest carrots..."

In an instant, Bella's expression turned from one of satisfaction to one of anxiety. The moment Olkin finished his sentence, she turned around and ran down the path, confusing the few passerbys she crossed, and even managing to startle the pen of cuccos, who had previously been contently eating their feed upon the green grass, as she came to a rapid stop.

With harsh breaths caused from her sudden sprint, the brunette looked at the archway at the bottom of the steps which lead to the town chief's home, praying to the Goddess above that she would not find what she knew would be there.

However, her wishes seemed not to have reached Hylia's ears, as there she found Steen, holding a travelers spear, in the middle of a conversation with Dorian, who was also on guard duty.

Bella's siblings, however, were nowhere to be found.

Raising one of her hands to her forehead, the girl closed her eyes in frustration, even going so far as to let out a low growl. She had told them so many times, and yet still they refused to listen.

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