chapter one. angel jones

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A N G E L    J O N E Schapter one

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chapter one.
- edited 11/07/24

ANGELICA SPARROWS life hadn't always a complete and utter shit show. There was a time before the ruins of insecurity flooded her mind and impaired the chemistry inside of her brain that created a sense of self. Without the sudden juvenescence of her growth and the burden of all things shrewd, was a girl who merely bestowed the figurative narrative of what her life could've been versus what it became.

The fleeting memories from her childlike youth that she had managed to latch onto, it was painfully obvious that her happiest moments remained the same. Her sailing the sea's alongside her father and the rowdiness of his crew, bossing all orders she possibly could at anybody that encountered her taunting nature, and the commotion which followed those who stood in her tracks. Truthfully the wildness that ensued from her actions were but a compelling reminder of her former life, one she couldn't help but wish to chase. It was a time before the ignorance of adolescence clung to her judgment, when the crippling sense of shame that followed it was nonexistent.

However throughout all of the liberty her happiest nights endured lay the melancholy of her past. Her time wasn't all sunshine's and rainbows on that ship or even off. Angelica was unfortunately burdened with the curse of absence, her mothers to be exact. Nobody to guide her through womanhood with a welcoming smile and a warm embrace. From what the crew had made out the woman which had carried Angelica in her stomach for 9 months was far from the absurdity of the unrealistic fantasy she had made up inside her mind, but it didn't stop the pirate from dreaming. Undoubtably she had passed down some deeply routed trauma and anger for Angelica, nevertheless there was unfortunately nothing better that woman does more than suppressing unwanted emotions.

Aside from the abandonment issues she was blessed to receive, her positivity overruled the sorrow of her past. And while her mother didn't wish to be apart of her life, her father, Captain Jack Sparrow was quite the opposite. Though he wasn't nearly sober half the time of her childhood or even her teenage years, she couldn't see herself being raised by anybody else. Of course his selfishness never diminished his way of parenting, and his stupidity was still unmatched to this day. But it never altered how he viewed her as an equal, which is not something many people could say about the Captain.

She often reminisced on the long nights spent both verbally and physically fighting with her father and their crew, all in good spirits and sometimes in anything but. Times when the crowd of pirates would all duel frequently ending with the loss of a limb, and drink offs that would last nights on end in which alcohol poisoning was non effective. Angelica would cheer on whoever was winning in that current moment, Jack by her side encouraging their violent antics. Truthfully it all sounded so surreal to her now. It had been close to a year without such chaos and part of her was itching for the savage nature of it all. She was alike her father in that unique way, an underlying crave for mischief.

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