𝐗. 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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《 •·✧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐃 ✧·• 》ACT II     CHAPTER X( visions )

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《 •·✧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐃 ✧·• 》
( visions )

FROM AFAR, ANGELICA could make out an old light house overlooking Port Royal in all its hidden glory. Surrounded by acres of luscious green grass, and handfuls of salty sea water laid two smitten lovers ready for battle.

One dressed in a red unbuttoned blouse alongside a leather Trenchcoat, with a pair of black trousers and thick boots. The other, adored head to toe in black and gold. Powerful patterns with meaning covered every inch, every nook and cranny.

They sat content with one another, the others presence just enough to calm the raging storm surrounding them. They didn't care about the harsh winds hitting their cheeks, or the fact two old companions and one wild girl slowly made their way up to them. Because if they had each other, then whatever the trio brung would be a mere dent in their plans.

So while Elizabeth and Will Turner's unbothered facade startled the two old pirates to an extent, Angelica wasn't hesitant to make her presence known. "Are we interrupting something? She sarcastically cooed, cocking her head to the side mockingly.

Elizabeth's head took a sharp turn as well as an unsuspecting Will. With her eyes glazed in familiarity, the beautiful blonde took a step forward in shock. A suspenseful silence overtook the group of pirates, nothing but the chime of singing birds, and crashing waves heard. After a moment or so, Elizabeth broke from her trance, enfolding her two oldest companions into a warm hug.

Despite the everlasting grudge Jack had held against the pirate King, he welcomed her embrace nonetheless. Ronan's large build suffocating Elizabeth, though she didn't seem to mind at all. "It's been so long..." the woman blissfully whispered.

"It has indeed." Ronan responded. Will who stood on the sidelines awkwardly accompanied by Angelica, nodded at the men after his wife had finally let go. "Jack—Ronan." The man smirked.

After waiting for the moment to pass, an antsy Angelica spoke. "Seems you lot forgot about this beauty." Lifting her ringed fingers littered with stick and pokes, she gestured towards herself.

"Um...who are you to be exact?" Will coughed, not missing Angelica who soon placed her hand on the left side of her chest, right where her heart sat. "You wound me, Turner." Jack rolled his eyes at his daughters antics.

Grasping her hat, or more so Harry's. She placed it against her chest, bowing at the two confused lovers. "Angelica Sparrow, at your service."

A dumbfounded look etched its way onto their face. A mix of obvious shock and disbelief clear. Wonder of how a man who had always made it clear he could never be tamed, had since settled down and created a carbon copy of himself bowing sarcastically. Though the two knew he would never admit to such a thing.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐃, 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now