Chapter One

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"Another robbery, Your Majesty!" A knight came in running and panting inside the throne room. He immediately bowed low before his King, not daring to forget etiquette in front of the most influential people of the Kingdom.

 He immediately bowed low before his King, not daring to forget etiquette in front of the most influential people of the Kingdom

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"...and?" the King looked up from the pile of papers around him and asked slowly, fixing his attention on the person before him. It was the Knight Commander.

"We lost him again, your Highness..." He said, ashamed of the words that came out of his own mouth.

The main advisor and the Prime minister looked at the King with a worried expression, who just let out a defeated sighed and closed his eyes. He flicked his hands, indicating everyone to leave.

But... you stayed.

You walked towards him silently and stood behind his back. Your hands slowly went up to his shoulders, gently massaging them. Only you could see the amount of burden on them.

"Everything will be alright, father..." You said in a calm tone, trying to soothe him.

You always tried to lessen the pressure he was under, and did your best to help him. You tried to be the mental and physical support that he needed. But that wasn't enough. Because the one beside him had always been mother. But she left, forever.

"How will anything be alright? It's all going downhill. I'm getting older day by day, but these robberies aren't stopping. Even our soldiers are now tired of them. On top of that, your mother..." he trailed off at the end. But he did not need to complete his sentence. You knew just how much he was hurt at the death of your mother.

And he had every reason to be.

She was his soulmate, afterall.

He was very lucky that the person he was supposed to marry turned out to be his soulmate. But of course, not everyone can be as fortunate as him.

"Father, I think you should take some rest. You're really tired..." you said.

"How can I take rest when my people are suffering? When they are in misery? The thought that I live in a castle while there are people who sleep on the streets... That will not let me take rest."

A long silence fell in the room. Your hands were slowly massaging his scalp, moving up and down carefully to not pull his hair. But they abruptly stopped moving as you thought about asking your father about a certain topic. Again.

"Father, I think I'm old enough now. Ever since my childhood I've seen you run this kingdom with outmost loyalty. You should take rest now and leave the Agrabah to me. I'll take care of it just like you do."


"No, father. I'll not give my precious Agrabah to any careless prince. They've not lived here like I have. They will never love it and take care of it like I will."

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