-: Prologue :-

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For as long as anybody could remember, people were divided into four groups - Talented, Protecters, Healers and Ordinaries.

Talented were the people who were born with powers, a certain ability that made them special. Due to their exceptional nature, they were accepted by the common people as superior. Royals from across the world were Talented, but they had more power - much more than ordinary Talenteds. All royal families ruled their lands with harmony and peace.

Talented had special powers, but alas - each thing comes with a price. Using their power had a drawback, something painful will happen to the Talented. That 'something', could be anything. It could range from a huge headache to even slowly losing their memories. But that's why, nature made Healers. Healer were people with special energy, who could take away the pain of using powers. They would feel a fraction of the pain felt by the Talented themselves, and due to this Healers were celebrated and respected.

Protectors were the people who were supposed to protect the Talenteds or the Healers with their life. Each Protector had their own Talented or Healer to safeguard, and they could identify the person at first glance. Most Protectors chose to become knights in hopes that their Talented/Healer would be a royal.

Now came the Ordinaries. They were the ones who had no power. They were not Talented, not Protectors, nor Healers. They were just ordinary beings. Much of the population of the world were Ordinaries, common people.

But there was something that linked all these four groups - Soulmates. Each person had their own soulmate, sometimes even more than one, regardless of their nature. After the ceremonial first touch, which is often known as the bonding ritual, people received red ringed marks on their fourth finger... A testament to their unbreakable love.

Soulmates shared a deep connection with eachother. The happiness, joy, sorrow, anger, pain and many other feelings felt by one person were felt by the others too, because the bonding did not only connect their hearts, but also their souls.


'Just like everyone else, the universe must have given her a mate, right?'

'Yeah, they were chosen for her.'

'But she was a princess!'


'She was born with greatness, and destined to achieve things even greater. Wouldn't she want someone who's equal to her?'

'They were her mates! And anyway, you love a person for who they are, not their status.'

'Well, then, was their love for eachother capable of standing against all odds? Was it eternal?'

'...Who knows? Maybe it was... Maybe is wasn't?'

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