Chapter Four

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Yasmin's POV

"Remember shehzadi, you only have three months. This case isn't as simple as it seems - that's the reason why it still hasn't been solved yet. Find out everything. Study the whole picture and only on the last day must you bring that thief in the court. He shall get what he deserves." Having said this, Father went back to the throne room, leaving me alone.

As he left, I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face triumphantly.


I had a chance. A chance to show Father that I'm capable of looking after this great land we live upon, a chance to show Father that I could be a Sultana (queen) without the need of any prince. Without any of those people who desired just the riches and treasures of our land, those who have nothing but just the emptiness of lust and greed in their eyes. I'd keep this golden, precious land safe from the vicious thoughts of those people.

And though I'll do my absolute best, make sure that I succeed and reach Father's expectations, I'll also take a little advantage and get a taste of freedom. Because, no matter if I fail or pass, I won't ever have this chance again. If I pass, I'll become the Sultana and won't have time for myself in between all the royal duties. If I fail, I'll have to get married and that in itself is self-explanatory. I'll become a part of the prince's harem.

I quickly get up from the floor where I had been kneeling all this time, and make my way to my chamber. Excitement and determination surged through me, adding an extra bounce to my steps as I walked. The slight exhaustion that came with sparring with the soldier earlier seemed to vanish away, and upon entering my chambers, I immediately sat down on my work area.

 The slight exhaustion that came with sparring with the soldier earlier seemed to vanish away, and upon entering my chambers, I immediately sat down on my work area

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I clapped my hands twice loudly, and a servant immediately came inside. Two servants are always expected to stand outside the room of any royal, to assist them with anything they want. This was something I had grown up with, and I realised that this would be a problem later, as of course, no one would serve me in these three months. I would have to do everything thing on my own.

"Go to Wazir-E-Azam (Prime Minister) and tell him that I request all the details of the recent robbery case to be sent to me immediately." I ordered, saying everything clearly.

[ Pronunciation :- Vah-zeer-ay-aazam ]

"Right away, your Highness." The servant replied politely and then proceeded to do the work given.

While the servant was away, I tried to recollect everything I knew about this case. Father was initially not worried about this case too much, but as time went on, his concerns increased rapidly.

I vividly remember the day when a soldier reported about a robbery in the house of a noble. The noble came running inside the palace with his brows furrowed, and complained that a very precious jewel brought from India was stolen. He said, "I bought this Jewel from a merchant in India, all for my daughter's soon-to-be husband..." he rambled on. However, he kept repeating the word 'bought.' Why? I don't know. But that fact stayed in my mind.

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