-: Author's Note :-

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I'm back with another fanfic-


What do I do with myself-



This is an English BTS Fanfiction set in the fictional city of Agrabah, which was inspired from the movie Aladdin.

I will use some Arabic words, but I'll put it in italics and provide translations. The Arabic words that I'll be using will be according to Google Translate and other sites. However, if you feel that the words are wrong or any changes can be made, please don't hesitate to comment about it.

The story is imaginary and all BTS members are merely playing as characters. The characters and members are not related in any way.

Also, this is an alternate universe ot7 story. This means that the female main lead will end up with all of them. It follows ✨Polyamory✨.

Keep in mind that since it is an alternate universe story, I will be taking the liberties to change and bend myths, legends, and some social practices.

All pictures used in the story (unless mentioned) are not mine. Credit to orignal owners.

The story line is my own work. Do NOT copy it in any way.

I suggest reading this book in the yellow/peach page colour.

Cover made by :-Fantasia Graphic shop by TheAloraConsortium (designer : @TheSimpleWitch and also @ililililililil9)

I was inspired by The Seven Princes whose author is  wassap_its_hunter

• This is the #1 book of the Eternal Bonds Trilogy. The other two books haven't been published yet.


Ok that's all I wanna tell you.

Read the story!

pReTtY pLeAsE-


Bye 🏃‍♀️💨

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