Chapter Five

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Author's POV

The two pairs of eyes met, and though the soulmates were standing far from each other, an invisible connection was formed. They both were too distracted to notice it, though. It was difficult to look away from eachother, both of them staring as if the rest of the world had melted away and only the two of them remained. They didn't realise that they had just Half-Bonded, and only when their mind suddenly begged them move forward and complete the bond, did they gain back the control of their mind and slowly realise what was happening.

Their eyes widened as realisation sinked in. For Aayan, they had finally found their missing piece. The person that they had longed and yearned for was finally infront of his eyes. And though he couldn't see her face due to the niqab, he knew that for him, only she will be the most beautiful woman in the world. He felt as if he was the happiest man in the world at that moment. He was absolutely delighted; so much that he would have burst into tears, had he not controlled himself.

But for the Shehzadi, it was a different situation. She too longed to meet her soulmate, and he was finally infront of her. The concept of soulmates had always fascinated her, and she secretly wished to know what it felt like to loved by someone who was made just for her. And now, she had met him at last, and even Half-Bonded, which meant that she wouldn't have to marry anyone else anymore. That was one rule she was thankful about while being in the royal family, which was that if your soulmate is found, then you must marry only them. This was due to the fact that everyone knew what it meant to be away from your soulmate - weakness, grave sickness and eventually, death. But her soulmate was here, which saved her from an arranged marriage. She felt relief washing over her, and then just adoration for her newly found soulmate.

She stared at her soulmate, who was taking slow steps in her direction, his face illuminated with the orange and golden rays of the now setting sun. His build was large and muscular, leaving a long shadow on the ground. And his eyes... oh, they were the most beautiful shape with obsidian black irises. He was truly looking breathtaking, and she couldn't help but let her heartbeat quicken as she observed how he was looking at her. Like she was the most precious thing in the world, which he was going to cherish forever.

An elated feeling rose in her chest, as the fact slowly sunk into her mind. She had found her soulmate. Joyousness spread throughout her whole body, and she wanted to jump out of happiness. Oh, how she dreamed about this moment! To be able to be with the person you were destined to be. Someone who was made just for you. Her mouth had started beginning to hurt and that's when she realised that she had been smiling so wide beneath her niqab.

Yet the smile never fell from her face and even Aayan was able to see her eyes brimming with tears yet still in a crescent shape, like she was smiling.

This wonderful moment didn't last for long, though. A sudden large drumming sound was heard nearby, and that forced her mind to focus on it instead. She unwillingly glanced away from him and looked towards the source of the sound, as did he and the countless other people in the market. Her eyebrows jumped with recognition as she spotted a well dressed man on a horse, surrounded by soldiers. One of the soldiers was carrying a drum, to gain attention of the people, so that they could announce something publically.

But Yasmin wasn't about to stay there and listen to whatever they wanted to say. The man on the horse was none other than the Wazir-E-Azam, Zahid. Her eyes widened yet again, but this time out of fear. Her body went rigid with shock and fear, while her mind immediately went into a panic and started to think of an escape plan as her eyes darted around to look for a suitable place to hide.

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