Chapter Two

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"WAKE UP, YOU LAZY RASCALS!" A loud feminine voice shouted, breaking the peaceful silence of the morning.

"Ah!" startled, a man jumped up in his sleep and fell over from his cot, landing directly on top of another man.

"Hasan! What are you doing?! My beautiful face is crushed!" The man said.

"Sorry, Junaid!"

"Does she have to yell everytime...?" another man said, sleepily.

"You already know, Tahir, it's as if her day does not start without shouting," another man, who was already wake, said laughing.

"That's right, but it's not nice to have our ears blown up every morning, Irfan..." Tahir replied back, sighing.

"I know..." Irfan sighed as well.

"Ugh, it's not necessary to be all sad and down right after we wake up! Let that woman say whatever she wants. Why should we get sad?" Another boy, who was also just waking up like Tahir, said.

"Javed's right. And anyway, since when did we start to care about whatever that bitch says?" A man who was watching them all from the beginning said.

"Samir! It's not nice to hear nasty right after we wake up, either!" Junaid said, but Samir showed a fake pout and pulled out the most innocent face he could muster, and said,

"But I just said the truth!~"

And that was something which melted the stern face of Junaid. How can he be angry at such a face? He sighed defeatedly, while the others watched the scene unfold with amusement.

But the conversation ended there and everyone slowly lined up to wash their faces.

Soon they were all done, ready to face the new day.

Well, not all of them.

"Who's gonna wake up the sleeping beauty?" Samir asked, hands on his waist, looking at the boy who was still fast asleep on his cot with drool dripping from his mouth.

"I can do that!" Tahir said and immediately jumped on top of the boy.

"AAHHH!" A scream escaped his drool filled mouth after feeling a sudden weight squashing himself.

"Aayan~ Wake up, honey~ Darling~" Tahir said in a sing-song voice near his ears.



Yes, you read it right.

And yes, they're each others Soulmates.

Infact, all seven of them are.

It took them so much time to find eachother, one by one, trying to complete themselves. But destiny was probably not satisfied with seven of them, which is already such a rare phenomenon, that she decided the group will be of eight. That last person is yet to be found. Their life was incomplete without their eighth and last soulmate, it felt as if a apart of their heart is away from them. And how often their thought about their last soulmate was only known to them - how their hearts were yearning for that one person who will finally complete them and make them feel whole.

But destiny is the one who is in-charge. If she has decided that the group will be of eight people, then it is also her job to decide when it will be like that.

"Ugh- couldn't you have woken me up gently?" Aayan said, making a face, after finally waking up and realising that he was not under the foot of any elephant.

"No," Tahir said grinning wide.


All of them sighed, hearing the voice shouting from downstairs, and Aayan stood up to get himself ready for the day.

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