Chapter Three

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Hasan = Hoseok
Junaid = Jin


Aayan's POV

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Aayan's POV

"Shehzadi, my boys, we are talking about the Shehzadi." One of them answered.

"Shehzadi? What about Her Highness?" Hasan asked, curiously. The only child of their great Sultan - the famous and beloved princess of Agrabah. She was known worldwide for her beauty, intelligence and ofcourse, for the love of her Kingdom. She always tried to help the citizens and it is also rumoured that the construction of the dam was her idea, which is really helpful for the people. It is the reason why there is drinking water available for everyone, and the people respect her so much for that, even when they haven't seen her face once. Her actions are more than enough.

"Do you not know? The Shehzadi will be turning eighteen tomorrow."

"Oh. Is she going to marry now?" Junaid asked, rather quite intrigued by the conversation. A lot of things would change in the kingdom if the shehzadi decides to get married.

"Not sure, but it is the right age to get married. She might soon."

"But tomorrow, on the occasion of her birthday, there will be a procession to visit the whole city, and the Shehzadi herself will be present in her palanquin! I wonder if we will be able to catch a glimpse of her..." A young man, whom I didn't really recognise, said with a dreamy look.

I chuckled at that. "I think the palanquin will be surrounded by knights." I said, immediately shattering all the hopes of the young man.

"You didn't have to say that..." he said quietly, but I couldn't help but snicker. The boy wanted to be left in his dream world, but in reality, he might not even be able to go near the palanquin.

I said from experience.

When I was younger, I saw the princess' palanquin procession passing right in front of my eyes. It was surrounded by guards and knights, who walked in uniform lines and kept a close watch to avoid anyone from coming too close. But they failed to notice a small boy. I had never seen anything as grand and magnificent as that, the golden swirling designs of carriage attracted me greatly. It was carried on the shoulders of four bulky men, who were more than enough to carry the young and fragile princess. Though the openings of the carriage were curtained, I was able to make out the faint silhouette of a crowned form much smaller than mine, which didn't come as a surprise considering the fact that the princess was younger than me by two years. I kept gazing at her, and at some point it felt as if the princess was looking at me too, the partially see through material of the curtain allowing us to do so. But the moment didn't last for long, the carriage carried on it's journey, passing right infront of my eyes. I raised my hand forward - wishing for the moving carriage to come back, but my hand fell back soon, knowing it was impossible. I wanted to look at the glittering, shining palanquin for a little longer...and also the person sitting inside it.

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