A Bother Of A Brother

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"You're never getting into college. Dad will never talk to you again. Mom thinks you're a slut. And I hope the next car that drives by hits you on your way to your bus st-" I slapped my brother Felen across the face, cutting him off and causing him to drop the glass of milk he was holding in his hand. Felen was tall, had a really scrawny build, and his red hair looked like he had got struck by lightning, at least twice. He was older than me by 2 years, being only 19 and thinking he could speak to me anyway he wanted. These were our usual mornings though. We'd wake up, go to the kitchen to get breakfast, and he'd start insulting me right away. Honestly I couldn't tell you what his actual beef with me was. All I knew is from the time I could remember things, he's always been out to get me.

He grabbed my arm and pinned me against the fridge. Looking down at me, staring firmly into my eyes with an intense rage. "Do that again, and I finally have a reason to suffocate you while you sleep Al's." He said, letting me go and making his way towards the living room, not cleaning up his milk. I rubbed my arm and rolled my eyes, reaching above me into the cabinet and grabbing a bowl for my cereal. I wasn't afraid of Felen that much, but he did scare me. I knew he would never actually hurt me. But the thought still lingered in the back of my mind. Would he?

No. I thought, pushing the bad thoughts out. Felen may be a lot of things, but he wasn't a criminal. I walked towards the fridge to grab the box of Captain Crunch when I heard my phone going off. I looked over to the counter where I had set it down earlier and saw that it was an incoming call from my Dad. Dad? I thought, a bit confused. The thing about my Dad was, he never called me. Especially not this early in the morning. I quickly broke free from my confusion and grabbed my phone, answering it immediately. "D-Dad?" I felt my voice crack. I was so nervous I thought my heartbeat was going to start echoing.

"Allie." He said calmly, his voice low and sad. I took a deep breath and answered. "Yes Dad?" He just sat there in silence on the other end of the phone for what felt like forever, until I heard a faint 'click' and then everything went silent. I pulled my phone down to look at it and saw that my dad had hung up. I sighed and set my phone back down on the counter, turning the volume all the way down and putting it on silent. My dad and I never really talked. Our relationship was awkward and strained due to my mother accusing him of having a relationship with me when I was 15 years old. Which wasn't true at all. But because she spread it throughout the whole family, they ended up getting a divorce. And my Dad's side of the family stopped coming around. My dad also avoids me and my mom thinks I'm a lying, home wrecking slut. I wasn't though, nor was my dad a cheating pervert who preyed on his little girl. But what was done was done. And neither me nor my Dad could fix or change any of that now.

I was about to continue making my cereal when I heard thuds coming from the living room. I looked over my shoulder towards the doorway that led into the living room. The hallway was dark and the living room TV was off, so I couldn't tell right away what the noise was. I brushed it off, figuring it was Felen or my mom. I finished making my bowl of cereal and I turned off the kitchen light, heading down the hallway past the living room and towards the stairs. I had taken a few bites of cereal when I heard Felen laugh. It startled me so hard I dropped my cereal all over the floor. "Felen! What the hell? Why are you sitting here in the dark?" I screamed at him, annoyed that he saw me drop my cereal. He continued laughing, his laughs more intense and a little bit forced. He stopped suddenly and stared at me, holding a piece of rope in his hands. His eyes now sharp and his posture now stiff. "You wanna play cops and robbers, Al's?" He asked me in a whisper, a seriously fucked up expression on his face. Almost sinister. I shook my head and quietly walked up the stairs, not worrying about the mess I left behind.

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