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I had finally made it to Vecka's house, dragging my luggage because the wheel had broken off of it on the cement. I was standing in her driveway looking up at her one story house. It was 'normie' looking at best, with a few minor details here and there. Like the yard being uncut, the sprinkler that was on was busted, and spraying at everything but the grass. I smiled as I walked up to her front door, seeing that they still hadn't taken down their Halloween decorations. Home sweet home. I thought, excitedly ringing the doorbell about 20 times.

I waited as I heard hurried thumping coming towards the other side of the door. I braced myself as the door swung open and I saw Vecka standing there, a huge smile plastered across her face. She had her long red hair tied back in a bun and reading glasses over her hazel eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and khaki shorts that were above her knees, and had on her bunny slippers. "ALLYBEAR!" She screamed, jumping into my arms and given me a big bear hug. I hugged her back, my screams of excitement over taking hers. We both let each other go and took a step back, looking each other up and down for a second. "I'm glad you're here. I have everything ready." She said, grabbing my luggage and pulling it inside. "Come on come on!"

I quickly stepped inside and looked around her house. Seeing that her mom had got a new living room set. Red couches and tables now filled the once blue living room. It looked better blue. I thought, following Vecka to her bedroom. It was only Vecka and her mom who lived here, her dad was away fighting for the country.She opened her bedroom door and carried my luggage over to the side of the room next to her closet, setting it down and turning to me. She motioned for me to come sit on her bed. I walked over and removed my shoes, hopping in her bed and picking up the magazine that was laying next to me. It was a cover girl magazine. I remember Vecka always saying how she wanted to be a model one day. I really hope she can, she definitely looks model material. Anyone would be lucky to have her as their cover girl.

I looked around Vecka's room, she had hung up Sweet Day posters and a bunch of Christmas lights hung around her ceiling. She had sat down at her computer desk that was near her bedroom window, and was flipping through her collection of movies she had pulled out for me. "Okay." She said, turning around and raising her hands, two different movies in both hands. "What's it gonna be, Ally?" I jumped out of bed and made my way over to her, grabbing the movies and seeing which ones would be scariest. That's when I thought I saw something out the corner of my eye, outside of Vecka's bedroom window. I looked up quickly at the window to see that there was nothing there. Vecka noticed and followed my gaze, walking over to her window. "What? Did you see something?" She asked, making sure her window was locked.

I nodded and set the movies down on her desk, walking up next to her and looking out as well. "Or at least I thought I did." I said as we both stood there silently. She directed her focus off of the window and back onto the movies. "Well. You can be crazy another night. We have horror movies to watch." She said jokingly, laughing and hopping in her bed, kicking off her bunny slippers. I laughed a little and tried to shake the weird feeling that was starting to come over me and finally chose a movie. I turned to Vecka and held up 'I Found A Gate To Hell' and tossed it to her. "This one." I said, hopping in bed next to her. "And don't you dare turn off the lights."


I woke up startled and shaking to the sounds of loud gunshots. I wiped my eyes, trying to collect myself and remember where I was. I looked around to see I was still at Vecka's house and the TV was on. The gunshots were coming from another movie i had fallen asleep on. I looked to my side to see that Vecka was still asleep right next to me, her hair covered her face and she was cuddling the TV remote. I smiled and looked at her clock that hung on the wall, the time reading 10:33pm. We had both slept the whole day away. I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face, trying to wake myself up all the way. I slowly kicked my feet off of the bed and quietly got up, not wanting to disturb Vecka. I steadied my gaze towards her bedroom window, noticing that it was now wide open. I stared at it, unable to move. She locked it though. I thought, remembering Vecka double checking to make sure it was locked. Why would it be wide open?

My head was spinning as I tried to come up with an explanation for the window when I heard footsteps in the hallway. I slowly turned around, my gaze landing on her bedroom door. Oh fuck. I thought, my hands starting to tremble. I watched as the doorknob slowly twisted and the door slowly began to creak open. I quickly looked at Vecka, but to my horror she was still asleep. I braced myself for whoever was on the other side, I wasn't going to let them hurt Vecka. The door finally opened all the way, revealing a guy standing out in the middle. His black hair covering his face and a backpack in his hands. He was wearing a green hoodie with black jeans and black boots. My heart nearly did a backflip when I realized it was Zeeko.

Zeeko?! I thought, my face turning hot as I remembered that dream I had had a few weeks prior. I looked away from him and down at the floor as he started walking in the room and up to me. "Hey?" He asked, a little confused. "Allie Hemlenson, was it?" I looked back up at him, surprised he remembered my full name. "Y-Yea. And you're Zeeko something, right?" I said, stuttering my words and trying to sound calm. He laughed and nodded, setting the backpack that was in his hands down on the floor. "Yea. Zeeko something." He said, moving closer to me slowly. "Why are you here?" He asked, as if he wasn't the one that was intruding. I looked up at him. "Excuse me? This is my best friend's house. I'm here staying the night with her." I pointed to Vecka, who was still asleep on her bed. Zeeko turned and looked at Vecka, almost as if he already knew, and looked back at me. "Oh, really? She didn't tell me she was having company." He said, a bit awkwardly as he walked over to her desk and sat down at it.

My mind started coming up with a bunch of different theories as to why he was here, but I couldn't come up with any. How did he open the window? Where had he gone inside Vecka's home, and how long had he been here since we both had fallen asleep? I gathered some courage in my voice to finally ask him, "Are you and Vecka, like, a thing?" I asked, my voice coming off annoyed. He burst into laughter and stood up, walking up to me. We were now standing face to face, just a few inches apart. I looked up to him, waiting for an answer. He shook his head. "No. No. It isn't like that." He said, running a hand through my hair. I looked away from him as my face got red and tried to control my breathing. "T-Then why are you here?" I asked, looking back at him. Just then I heard rustling from behind me on Vecka's bed, she had woken up and was now watching us. "He's my plug." She said simply.

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