Last Day Of School

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The last day felt like a fever dream. Everything was off setting from start to finish. I couldn't explain it into words if I wanted to, I just knew Friday was off. And not because it was the last day of school, not because of  earlier that morning with my mother, not because of last night with Felen. More because of the general population of the school and everyone's weird vibes. There were kids throwing used toilet paper onto other kids in the hallways. Our school had two stories, so if you went to the second floor, there were railings you could look down from. Most of the railings were near bathrooms as well, which meant easy access to toilet paper. It felt like I stepped into another dimension the way the school completely turns upside down on the last day. There were a good majority of kids who didn't show up though, one of those people being my friend Vecka. She was captain of the debate team and had really pretty red hair. Her eyes were hazel and she had a tiny mole right by her lip. Absolutely gorgeous if you're taking my opinion. And also the only person I've ever been able to call a friend. She's always been there for me and I really wished she had shown up on the last day. It was just one more day.

I was at the cafeteria table fumbling through my book bag when I felt a hand on my lower back. I jumped a little startled, turning to see some guy standing there looking down at me. He was tall, he had white hair that hung low near his shoulders and really dark blue eyes. I stared at him in shock, mostly because I had never seen a guy with white hair at my school before. It was really cool and looked great on him. He almost looked like a snowman. His skin was almost as pale as his hair. He had a muscular build and a sleeve tattoo on his left arm. I stared at him confused, waiting for him to say anything. He stayed quiet for a bit more until he finally grabbed a pen that was on the floor next to me, and handed it to me. "You drop this?" He asks, looking at me. I nodded quietly and took the pen. "Thank you." I said, watching as he turned to walk away. Before I could take my eyes off of him, he had already turned back to me, and was waving goodbye. A slight smile on his face. If I wasn't staring so hard at him I definitely wouldn't have seen it. I lifted my hand awkwardly and waved back, feeling my face get hot.

I gathered my things and stood up, making my way to the exit of the cafeteria. Hot. I thought, thinking of the snowman guy. I looked over at the halls to see they were covered in homemade slime rockets and lots of paper. I wasn't really into all of that trashing the school on the last day stuff. I kind of kept a low profile. I preferred being heard instead of seen. If I had one super power I would for sure be invisible. No doubts about it. I pushed open the cafeteria doors, heading towards my first period when I heard sobbing coming from the bathroom. I tried to walk past and ignore, but something told me to go check it out. I turned and headed inside the bathroom, not knowing what to expect. Chances were a girl was in here crying over her boyfriend leaving her or cheating on her. That's mostly what it was anyway. As I entered though, I saw a girl standing by the mirror crying. She was dressed in all black and she had on a red athletics headband. Her hair was up in a bun and her face was covered by a mask, so I didn't get a clear view of her face. But I could see the tears falling and her leaning over the sink crying.

I walked over to her, placing my hand on her shoulder. "Hey? You okay?" I asked, looking at her through the mirror. She stopped crying almost immediately and wiped her eyes, standing up straight and turning to me. "Yes. Who are you?" She asked, taking me a back a little. I faced her, a bit surprised that she had stopped crying so quickly. And her tears were just gone. There was no trace at all she had just been crying. Her eyes were really grey. Almost as if she couldn't see out of them. I took a step back, holding my book bag against my chest. "I-Im Allie." I replied hesitantly. She smiled and extended her hand out to me. "Hi Allie. I'm Thersay. Would you like to be my friend?" I just stood there, staring at her and waiting for her to start laughing. Or a camera crew to jump out and say 'Gotcha Bitch'.

But that didn't happen. She just stood there with her hand extended out to me. I looked down at it and debated on wether I should shake it. She finally put it down and giggled at me. "You're so cute, Allie." She said, pulling her hair out of a bun and letting it all fall down. It was long and really soft looking. I nearly asked her what she used to get it to have so much volume but she took my hand and started leading me out of the bathroom. "We are going to be like, super late." She said. I snapped out of it, finally something she said that had registered in my head. I nearly broke her arm off when I sprinted past her down the hallway, and basically Superman dove into my classroom.

I looked back as I walked to my desk, seeing Thersay coming into class right behind me. Huh? I thought confused. Huh? Huh? I've never seen her in here before. I sat down at my desk, pulling out my textbook and turning to the page that was written on the board. Thersay proceeded to sit in the empty desk in front of me. Turning around occasionally to smile or wave at me. I was really confused. Mostly because I didn't know who she was, she suddenly had a class with me and she can cry on cue? Something about this Friday is so off putting.

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