The New Guy

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Classes had started going by fast, and before I knew it, my first period was over and I was making my way through the crowded hallway. I was small, so getting through wasn't comfortable or easy. Not to mention people weren't afraid to put their hands on you if you bumped into them the wrong way. The air was thin and it smelled like someone stepped in shit before they came in here. The walls of this place reminded me of a prison I once saw in a documentary. So yellow and dingy looking, and half the words were coming off of the walls as well. It was supposed to say our school name, which is Wellers Meller High School, but it was so faded it read 'Wells Meer High Scoo' instead. The school wasn't good in any academics or sports, so nothing sat in the display cases that lined the hallways. Only one award that our Art program got. Talk about trash.

I finally made it to the door of my 2nd period class, my shoe falling off a little because someone had stepped on the back of it. I stopped right outside the door and knelt down to put it back on right when I heard a voice coming from down the hallway. It sounded faint for a second but then grew louder. I lifted my head and looked around to see what was going on when I noticed a fight had broken out. I stood up, unable to move. My eyes had locked on the two guys that were fighting. A crowd had formed around them so it was kind of hard to see, but what I did make out wasn't at all pretty.

There was a tall guy on top of another tall guy, pounding his fists into the other guys face, and screaming slurs at him. The guy on top, had black hair that fell to his ears, and was a bit messy due to it being ruffled in the fight. He had dark blue eyes that were hidden behind his hair but showed every other time he threw a punch. He had eyebrow piercings on both sides and a septum with a blue ring attached. He also had a black hoodie on that said 'Fuck Your Feelings', black jeans that had a key chain hanging from them, and black combat boots with chains wrapped around them. He looked like a character straight out of a video game. The other guy below him that he was beating on, had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a beanie. He also had on a black hoodie that I couldn't see the front of and khaki shorts with white vans. He was covering his face now, blood falling from his cheek down to his neck.

People stood around them in a circle, some screaming for them to stop, others recording and chanting for him to 'beat his ass'. I broke free of my shock and made my way towards the middle of the circle. I had no idea what I was doing, but if someone didn't stop this maniac, this guy could really get hurt. People started booing me and throwing things at me when I finally reached the guy on top. I grabbed his arm and pulled on it. He didn't fight me one bit and let me pull him off. He spit out a piece of gum he was chewing on right at the guy on the ground, then turned to face me. People had completely stopped and it got awkwardly quiet for a moment. Then the guy looked me up and down, not worrying about the crowd that now stood and watched us. I held my breath for what felt like forever as we stood there locking eyes with one another. He smiled slightly at me, as if I amused him by stopping him. He finally picked up his bag that had been set down on the floor, motioned for some of the guys in the crowd to follow him and walked off.

I let out a breath as his back was turned to me and looked down at the other guy on the ground. The crowd had left along with the other guy and it was just the two of us here now. I knelt down beside him and started to pick up his notebooks. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking at the blood that was pouring from his nose. He just sat there, a smile on his face. Completely unfazed. "Yeah." He said simply, getting up off of the ground and helping me pick up his things. "By the way, I would have kicked his ass you know? I just tripped and then he got an advantage to get on top of me." He started to shake his head. "I hate people that don't fight fair. Now Trixie is going to hear about this and most likely break up with me." He put his hands over his face to cover it and took a deep sigh. I handed him his notebooks and looked at him a bit confused. First off, who was Trixie? He said that like I knew who she was or something. "Break up with you?" I asked, not wanting to believe that. "You mean be worried about you? And maybe even tend to your injuries?" He just started laughing, almost as if he had never heard something like that before.

"Maybe that's the type of girl you are, but my Trixie is a different breed of woman." He said, lifting his eyebrows and smacking the air with his hands. I rolled my eyes at the comment and just nodded. "Well see you later." I said, turning to head towards my class again, he gently grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Wait. What's your name? I'm Borscht Penn. You can call me Bor for short though." He said, putting his notebooks back into his backpack. I looked down at my shoes and held onto my bag. "I'm Allie." I said, almost whispering it. He nodded and looked at me. "Well, Allie. Do you know who that guy is? Have you ever seen him before?" He asked, kind of looking at me curiously. I shook my head. "No. I just saw him today actually. Fighting you."

"Bullshit." He said, folding his arms over his chest. I looked up at him, a bit confused. "What?" I asked. He leaned in close to my face. "I said, bullshit." He repeated. I moved away from him then and tilted my head to the side. "How? I really did just see him today." I said, not caring anymore if he believed me or not. He shook his finger at me. "No. You ran straight up to him and stopped him. You technically saved me. So thanks for that too. But why would you go up to someone you don't even know. Someone who is in a fit of rage too at that?" He asked, catching me a little off guard. "I-I don't know why I did it. I found myself just moving in that direction and next thing I knew I was pulling him off of you." I said as he gave me a look of dissatisfaction. I sighed and continued. "Plus if no one would have stepped in, something worse could have happened to you. He was beating the shit out of you. You weren't even defending yourself." He rolled his eyes at that and stayed quiet. I felt awkward so I took this as an opportunity to dip.

I started walking past him again down the hallway towards my 2nd period class. I looked back to see him just standing there watching me, until he finally started walking in the opposite direction. I turned my attention back towards my front when I entered the classroom. And sitting at my desk with his feet propped up on it was none other than the guy who beat the living shit out of Bor. I stared in his direction, actually too afraid to tell him that that was my seat. He must have been new here too because I had never seen him in my class before. People that dress like that aren't hard to notice. He was twirling a pen in his hand and laughing with some other guys who crowded around him. I walked over to the other side of the classroom closest to the window and sat at an empty desk there. No point in making a big deal when there were other available seats.

Mr. Grenshaw, my 2nd period Chemistry teacher, had entered the classroom just then and grabbed a dry eraser off of his desk, cleaning off yesterday's assignment and scribbling something different on the board. He was a bit short with shaggy blonde hair and always wore baseball hats with plain polo shirts and khaki pants. He turned around and pulled out his notepad and sat down, getting ready to take role. "Colson Olden?" He said, looking around the classroom as Colson raised his hand in the air and said 'here'. He made a fart noise after and his friends near him started laughing. Mr. Grenshaw ignored it and moved down the list to the next name. Until he finally got to a name I had never heard before. "Zeeko Nemits?" Mr. Grenshaw said, looking over at the guy who had gotten into a fight earlier.

"Here." Zeeko said, smirking at the teacher. Mr. Grenshaw stared at him a little before moving on again. Zeeko? I thought. That's cool. He was sitting on top of my desk now, one foot on the chair and the other on the floor. I watched as his gaze slowly shifted over to me. My heart racing as I realized I was staring at him. I quickly looked down, praying he forgets my existence when I heard Mr. Grenshaw call my name. "Allie Hemlenson?" He said, looking over at me. I nodded and replied with a very low 'here' and sunk down in my chair. I could feel Zeeko's eyes on me. I was too afraid to check. I stared at my desk for the remainder of the class period. Occasionally hearing my name being whispered.

Oh to disappear.

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