Juul Fross

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I awoke in a sudden panic, my head still a bit dizzy and my vision still a little blurry. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the room I was in. It was mine. I stared at my room confused, unaware of how I got here. What? I thought, a little scared now. When did I get home? I glanced at the clock that was on my dresser next to my bed. It read 8:33pm. I stared at it even more confused, feeling a sudden rush of fear. Had I slept the whole day? Was that all just a dream? What the hell is going on?

I slowly kicked my feet off of my bed and stood up, looking around my room to see if everything was still the way I had left it this morning. It was. I sighed in relief quietly and made my way to my bedroom door. I hesitated before grabbing the doorknob. How did I get home? I thought before finally yanking the door open and heading into the hallway. I looked down both ends. To the left was the stairs and the bathroom, and to the right was Felen's room. I headed towards the left.

"Look who's finally awake." A familiar voice said behind me as I reached the top of the steps. I stopped and slowly turned around to see my brother Felen standing outside his bedroom door. I hadn't even heard him open it. He was leaning against the door and tossing one of his guns around. My heart started to thump for some reason as I watched him pull out 3 bullets and load them into the gun. My mind was telling me to run, but I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. Paralyzed almost. Felen must have noticed, because he put the gun in the back of his pants and started laughing. "Oh, Al's." He said, heading over towards me. He stopped right outside of my bedroom door and stared down the hall directly at me.

"I thought you'd never wake up. It was starting to feel a little peaceful around here." He said, a crooked smile forming on his face. I couldn't speak. My throat was completely dry and I could barely manage to breathe. I didn't know what Felen was going to do. But for the first time, I felt afraid. Afraid of Felen. He started walking closer, moving extremely slow with each step. As if to be dramatic on purpose. I felt my hands starting to shake and my legs about to give in. "W-What do you want, Felen?" I somehow managed to choke out. It sounded shaky and I knew Felen could tell I was scared. He smiled at me and stopped walking. Now only 10 feet away from me. "Al's. You want to tell me who that guy was that came to my house, and brought you here?" He asked me, his voice low and annoyed.

I stared at him confused. What? I thought. Someone brought me here? I looked at Felen confused. "I-I don't understand." I replied, my voice still shaking. He started walking closer towards me again, this time he pulled his gun back out. "Al's." He said, twirling the gun in his fingers. "Who was this white haired asshole who came to my house and said that you had fainted at school?" He asked, now standing directly in front of me. He reached down and grabbed my mouth, holding it and making my lips puff out. "Be a good girl Al's. Don't protect him. Who was he?" He leaned into my ear and laughed low. "Since when do you faint, Al's? Could have fooled me."

I stared at the ceiling, the memory of everything coming back so quickly like a rush. Felen had a point. I have never fainted before a day in my life. But I couldn't remember anything. Felen let my mouth go and looked down at me, waiting for an answer. I stood there for a moment before I remembered the name of the guy I was with. "Juul." I whispered. Felen leaned his ear closer to my lips. "Who?" He asked. I gulped and stared at the floor. "His name was Juul Fross."

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