2 Weeks Later

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A few weeks had gone by since I found out Juul worked at my local gas station, and since Felen had almost went off the deep end. I didn't know how to feel about Juul working so close to me, besides scared for him. I didn't want to believe Felen was actually capable of murder, but after all of that, I honestly didn't know what to believe. He wasn't actually always this way though. I remember mom had told me before that he actually used to be really sweet. It was only up until I was in the picture did he slowly start to change. There was nothing I could do about existing though. If I could go back and abort myself, I would do it quick as humanly possible.

It was about 2:15pm on a Thursday and I was rummaging through my dresser drawers looking for a few fits I could pack into my luggage. I had talked to my friend Vecka a few days prior at the library and we had made plans to have a sleepover. It was more of her trying to make it up to me for not coming to school on the last day. She still hadn't told me the reason why she hadn't shown up though, and honestly I wasn't going to pry. I didn't think it was that deep. If it was, I'm sure she would tell me. But she did say she was really really sorry and to top it off, she took me out for breakfast and said we could watch any movie I wanted for the whole night. I was honestly excited, not just about the sleepover, but about what came with the sleepover.

The escape. I couldn't wait to get out of my house. Away from Felen. Away from my mother. These past few weeks had been nothing but yelling, crying and screaming with the both of them. They constantly fuck with me and I was really close to hammering myself into a coffin if I didn't get a breath of fresh air, or just some space away from them. I sighed and folded a few shirts and walked over to my bed where my luggage was, placing them neatly inside. I was deciding on if I wanted to pack jeans or shorts when Felen charged into my room without knocking. I jumped up a bit startled and looked at him. "What the hell?" I asked, lifting my hand in a confused motion. He started looking around my room and his gaze slowly landed on me. He was wearing a black t shirt with a white leather jacket and black jeans that had holes in the knees. He didn't have on any shoes and he was holding a small box in his hand.

I motioned my hand at him again, getting his attention. "Felen? What is it?" I asked, sighing and putting my hand down. He smirked at me and walked over to my bed, sitting down on it. I turned and looked at him, the two of us being only 5 feet apart. I folded my arms across my chest kind of annoyed when he started to shake the box he was holding in his hands. "So you're going to a friends, right?" He asked me, his voice low and annoyed. I nodded as he looked down at the box. "Well. You're going to be out of my sight. So," he said, raising his hand and handing me the box. "I got you this phone. So put my number in it right now." I stared at the box as I took it from him and slowly pulled it open. Inside was a small gold phone with a case already on it.

I looked up at Felen, tears starting to run down my face. He had gotten me a phone? Is he crazy? That was really nice of him. I was trying to hate him but now I didn't know what to feel. This had completely caught me off guard and went left field. He just straight up bought me a whole new phone. He didn't have to do that. I really wish he hadn't done that. But Vecka has been telling me to get a phone, constantly telling me. Everyday at school she would show me hers and say, 'wish I could text you'. Well just wait til she sees this one. Felen smiled at me and stood up, pulling me into a bear hug. "You like it, I'm assuming?" He asked, flicking the back of my head with his finger. I laughed, wincing a little and hugging him back, quickly pushing him off and wiping my tears. "What do you care? You're cruel." I said, jokingly. His smile started to get bigger, and he pointed at my shoes that were by my room door. "Hurry up and pack. Then put on your shoes. I'm driving you." He said, heading towards my room door.

I watched him leave out my room and head down the hall to the right, going towards his room. I just stood there a bit confused. I was fine with walking. I thought as I put the phone down on the bed. And I'm not taking the phone if you're just going to use it to keep tabs on me, dick head. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some more clothes and filled my luggage. I grabbed the handle of the luggage and pulled it off of my bed, rolling it over towards my room door and putting on my shoes. I think I'll walk instead. I thought, lifting my luggage. It wasn't actually that big and it had wheels so if I were to get tired of carrying it, I could just roll it. And Vecka only lived 3 blocks away from me. Perfect walking distance. I slowly tip toed down the hall to the left and down the steps. Turning my head back ever so often to make sure Felen hadn't come out of his room.

Once I reached the living room I made a break for the front door. My heart had started to thud so loud in my chest I almost couldn't hear anything else. I opened the front door and quietly stepped out, placing my luggage down on the ground and shutting the door quietly behind me. Okay. I thought. I think I'm good. I picked up my luggage and headed for the driveway, seeing that Felen's truck was on and running. He really thought he was going to drive me? I thought. There's no way I'm ever getting in any truck with that maniac ever again.

I headed down the sidewalk and made my way towards Vecka's block. I couldn't wait to tell her about the crazy week I've been having and watch a bunch of scary movies with her. But mostly all I really wanted to do was lay down in a room that wasn't mine.

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