chapter 2: to the auditorium

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So today we got a text at five in the morning saying that there was an announcement and that the girls have to wear dresses, and the guys, a nice shirt or suit and tie. So i was going to wear my poison ivy dress I was going to wear to homecoming but it is the only dress that is fancy enough, but I wore my black strap heels, and got ready.

So I was going to put it on at school since my ride is my bike, and I do not have my mustang which I am letting my cousin use it. So I had to wear dress pants for now and my combat boots so this was going to be fun.

" crazy, I need your help it won't Zip." So I asked crazy if she could help me with my dress I did my hair so I also already did my make up to. But she got it zipped. And I put my shoes on and we went to the auditorium. I noticed that people were separated of boys and girls. So I sat with

crazy and the head of the board of education came to the mic, and said, " okay settle down. I want every one who is not a fertile or dom to go to the gym. Please" and they did, I noticed that some of them were not wearing dresses or fancy attire.

After that happened, " okay, now for fertile and dom vampires, you will be paired with your mate. Some of you might have already found them some may have not. But I still will announce and once I do please come up and walk out to the left exit door. And you will be excused for the rest of the day."

So he went through many names, then to the Miw clan, Ricky and Kaitlin.( I do not know what his girlfriend's name is) ghost and Kylie, Ryan and Allie, then Chris was called, he walked up there and I was lost in thought, till he said, " Scarlett green" I was shocked but I walked up there and I was taken aback to it. But nonetheless, we walked out of there and, then Chris gave me a kiss, and holy hell it was perfect. " did, I tell you how pretty you looked." He said and I blushed like mad. Then crazy came out with a guy and I seen him around his name was carter, I was surprised.

But me and Chris went out and had a bite to eat, then we went back to his place and I honestly never thought this would happen. " scar, I want to ask," then he I don't know what the word is but he asked me through my mind, " will you be my girlfriend." I looked at him shocked then I smiled, and replied, " I would love to be your girlfriend Chris."

I never knew what to do but he moved closer and kissed me. I was shocked the kissed back, he pulled away. But he held out his wrist and I did the same, just my fangs are a tiny bit sharper, so he let out a gasp. But I was starting to feel faint and retracted my fangs and closed my eyes. He saw and then pulled away. I have never been bit near my neck but my wrist I have, and I rather

know the pain of that rather than my pain level in my neck. We may be vampires but we still have nerves.

Brief history with doms and fertiles

So basically the history I know of between doms and fertiles are that once some vamp finds a mate there eyes will flash an iridescent purple or violet. But they are going to be together and if a vampire submits to there mate it would most likely be by blood so, that is all I know of. 

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