chapter 3: love and revenge dont mix

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Homecoming week

So it has been about five weeks now and me and Chris are inseparable, but I still hang with crazy, she will always be my bestie. But we were going shopping for dresses, because Chris asked if I was going to go I said yeah. So crazy is going with carter. I honestly think that those two are going to get married one day. Just probably after high school.

But I have now been hanging with Chris a lot and it is funny because when we went to the park little kids just kept staring I flipped the kid off because she kept pointing, then Chris came over and tried to tell me to stop but no I flashed my fangs and she ran like a penguin, so I now can say that I scare the s**t out of people. But Chris and I went back to his place and that night he asked me something.

" scarlet, can I ask you something?" Chris said and I looked to him, " yeah?" He took a deep breath, and said, " what would you say if I ask you to move in with me?" I looked at him with a

smile, and once again my face turned f***ing red. He laughed, " I will take that as a yes." Chris said and I shakily spoke, " I would like that"

Before we knew it it was Friday and the dance was that night, I went back home to get ready. I wore a black silk rib cage dress and had a black victorian style choker, most of my offutt's I get from hot topic. But I had a pair of black gladiator heels they were platform of course, and my dress was four inches too long without the shoes so wearing those helps, but I dyed my hair a Snow White color. And I did my makeup like I normally would but I did my eyeliner differently.

But Chris texted me saying that he was here, crazy already left so, I walked out, seeing Chris, damn he looked hot. " wow, just wow." He said and his eyes were staring and I was thinking he was about to drool. I laugh, " you don't look too bad yourself mister." I close his mouth and give him a kiss. He opens the door for me, " thank you," I got in and he shuts it, and he got in and asked if it was okay to turn the radio on, I nod, and he had a slipknot cd in, and I didn't realize I was singing along with it and he joined.

We got there and we made it to the doors, and opened it to the gym where it was held, I told Chris, " hey I will be right back." So I had to go to the bathroom, so I walked in the bathroom and I was about to go into a stall when I heard someone walk in, and it was laney, amber, and sky, the three bimbos, and they said " so is this the w**re that punched you." She looked at sky, " yeah, that was so, uncalled for, what should we do?" She looked at the two and grinned with an evil look.

Those three started to move closer to me, and started to corner me and then beat me to a pulp. I saw colors, my vision was starting to go faint but they left after a while, I tried getting up but felt so weak in my limbs, and everything just faded in and out, I felt blood coming from my side, then right before everything went black I could see the secretary and crazy.

Chris's pov

So I went inside the gym and scar said that she will be right there, so I waited a moment, then it became about fifteen minutes, so I went to find crazy, so to see if she was seen anywhere.

But she said no, so I went outside the gym and then that is when I smelled blood, and it was a mix of three sents three of them were human and the other was a vampire, so I ran to find crazy, and I found her and explained, so we ran to find the nearest person from school.

And I had to stay outside science it was the girls bathroom, I felt that scar was hurt. But I felt a sad and hurt presence, but crazy and the secretary lady came out carrying scar. I was broke into a million pieces then she started to wake up, and spoke, " where are they, I'll kill them. Those fake plastic bimbos." I look at her, and crazy now looks pissed, so I guess she knows who they are, but we got to the nurse's office and the secretary left. I went by crazy and she had this legit sick psycho look in her eyes.

"Crazy, don't do anything stupid, I need you to tell me who it was, that scarlet was talking about." She looked at me and her eyes were a demon black, " yes I do and I will kill them, and they can rot in hell." " I need you to tell me what there names are, okay." I said and she gave me a valid description, she said they will be wearing skimpy outfits and in a group of three, two brunettes and one blond.

I then told her, " crazy you stay with scar. I will be right back." She looked at me with an evil smirk. I then went to the gym to find them. I asked the same lady that was in the nurse's office. I asked were they were she pointed, and I went over, this is what the bimbo said, " well hi, you come here alone?" She tried to flirt with me, so I was going to play along, " no, I came here with my mate." She looked at me, " well you can always ditch her and I can show -" yuck, I cut her off gagging.

Then I spoke, " okay, let me ask you this, is it true that you seen scarlet just a minute ago?" She looked at me then just started to laugh, I pulled my phone out, she laughed, " why the heck would I be seen with that sl**. Omg, she is so worthless, who would even want to date her, besides she was in the bathroom, and I saw the it was tainted so I showed her not to mess with me."

" oh, so you admit that you were in the bathroom, and that you three were the ones that beat her up." I asked, she smiled, " well duh, she deserved it. She just doesn't leave me alone, so I remember that the first day she kept staring at me so I called her out. But yeah, so wanna get out of here." I roll my eyes and flash my fangs at her, and show her my phone, she screams, I go to the principal.

He asks, " what can I do for you?" He seemed kind of cheery, so I told him everything, and played him the recording, he spoke, " thank you, and I will tell there parents tomorrow and they shall be expelled from school and not be allowed to enroll again. I am sorry about scarlet, I hope she feels better, have a safe night." Then I went back to crazy, and saw that scarlet still wasn't awake. Just she looked paler than usual. I don't know what it was but I smelled blood, dried but it seems like it was there for a while

" crazy, I need you to hold her head up. Please." She did, and I knew what I had to do, so I bit my wrist, and it hurt a little but I didn't care about the pain, just that I needed to help her, so I put my wrist by her mouth, and it dripped, and after a minute she latched onto it and her eyes were open. Ever so soft she said, " Chris, what the fuck happened." I smiled at her and said, " well you passed out in the bathroom, crazy came to get you out of there with the school secretary, and I went to hunt down the girls who did this." She looked at me and tried to sit up more, "uhh, why do I feel like I just got over a hangover?"

I just laughed, but I honestly think that those three won't be seen for a long time around here. 

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