chapter 5: idk but date night i guess?

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So I finished working on my car and the boys weren't back yet so I took a shower, I was all sweaty and gross. But I got all my stuff and I picked out my outfit, and I was going to wear my demonia boots, but I straightened my hair. And did my makeup I did it so it would look like my eyes are hollowing in, but I wore my black skull dress and had like bone leggings on but it went with my offutt, I heard the door open, and I went down stairs, and Chris was staring and I blushed, I am starting to get mad, but hey, at least it was the weekend.

So Chris walked out, and I told crazy, " hey, thanks and just be yourself. I doubt he would hurt you, he seems like he truly cares about you." I gave her a hug, then went outside, Chris was outside on the porch, and looked at me and said, " so are we taking your bike or car?" I pulled my car keys out and got in my car and Chris got in the passenger side, but I said, " we are taking the car." I was about to pull out of the drive until I saw in the corner of my eye Chris was staring at me.

We have started to grow, knowing if each other needs, or not. But I pulled out of the drive and went down the street, then stopped. I showed him my wrist, " I say that you were staring, so here." He lightly grabbed my wrist, and loses his eyes then his fangs showed, I nod and grip the steering wheel, I don't know why but this time it hurt a little more, and his grip got tighter, I was getting worried, " Chris, easy. I'm not going anywhere, so. You don't have to worry." So I pull my wrist away, and Chris was so cute, he had a little blood on the corner of his mouth, so I gave him a napkin

Then I put the car back in drive and we went off, and it took us about twenty minutes, but the ride home was so silent you could hear a pin drop, but when I got home, I was going to go up stairs to jump in the shower. I was wondering what Chris was doing.

But I got out of the shower, after about twenty minutes, I was going to get a pair of sweatpants on, and a sweater. But when I went in the room, I tried looking through my bags and all I could find were tank tops, so I said oh, well. I turned to see Chris, but it didn't look like him, he spoke, " scarlet, I need help. Please" his voice was rough, and he started to move closer, and I started to back away, but he then pushed me up against the wall, and looked me in the eyes and said again, " I need help, please, help me my creature."

He neared towards my face and neared to my neck, if he was going to do what I thought he was going to do I did what my reflexes do, I kicked him in the junk and he fell to the ground. I grabbed his hands and said, " Chris, look at me, you need to control it. You need to. Now come on let's go down stairs and I will help." I got him up, and he looked weak, so we went to the kitchen and I sat him down, and grabbed plastic wrap and a cup.

So I put a piece of plastic wrap in the cup, and bit down on my wrist, more so near a smaller vein and let it drip into the cup, and I wasn't going to give him a lot, but it was part way, so I went to grab paper towel to clean the wound, and pushed the cup closer to him, he picked it up and it was gone in a second, I looked at him, and he looked at me and said, " I am so sorry. My hunger took over, I don't know what happened."

I walked over and gave him a hug, he smiled and I rested my head on his shoulder, and I was getting tired, but I was wondering if Chris wanted me to submit yet? Now I am not trying to be pushy, but I do have a mind and I am not afraid to speak out. 

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