chapter 4: i finally got my car back

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Scarlett's pov

So it has now been a week and the school gave me crazy and the Miw clan the whole week off, I think it is good but I think it is a little sketchy. But at least I get to spend time with Chris. I am wondering just because we're mates does that mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend?

But I was going to go out for a drive since it is nice out but I wanted to bring crazy shopping with me and have a girls day out, and I was going to ask the others if they wanted to go with and we could have a girls day at the mall. By others I mean the guys girlfriends. So I called Chris and asked if he knew what the others were doing and if I could have their numbers. Now before I do that to update on this from the whole fiasco at homecoming, me and Chris have grown more to each other, and I wanted to surprise him so tonight I am taking him out.

So I got a text the other day saying

Hey, scarlet, I am gonna bring the car back but I have to fly out to Florida, my job is getting moved so hey I get to go on vacation haha, see you in a day or two.

I smiled to the text and I had to tell Chris, and he said, " hey, so I was wondering when do you wanna get your stuff." I looked at him and spoke, " well I do not know but my cousin is going to be here in a few days because he is going to drop off my car, so I can do it tomorrow maybe or do you want to do it today if you don't have any plans?" He gave me a hug and said, " well we

can do it today if you want. But I would like to do something with you." I smiled to his response, I said, " well I would like to take you out tonight, if that is okay with you?"

He smiled and I noticed when he did he had this sparkle in his eye, it was pretty. But I had to excuse myself because of my phone vibrating, so I went outside, and answered.


S: hello

A: hey weirdo.

S: hey, axel.

A: so I have a surprise for you and it is coming in fifteen minutes, do you still live with crazy? S: uh, no but I will be there in five minutes, I was spending time with my friend. A: he hurts you and I hurt him. Got it.

S:( I laughed) sure but he is very sweet, caring and supportive, and cut

A: la la la not listening.

I laughed, he is such a kid.

S: hey I have to go keep in touch. And if I find one cd broken or scratched you are dead. A: okay, but I don't listen to your music, I don't understand it. But I gotta go, byeeeee. S: later,

So I hung up the phone and went inside, and to find Chris in the kitchen with a blood bag in his hand. I spoke, " hey, I have to go, my cousin axel is gonna be at the old house so I will be back soon. Love you." I say, then start to walk out of the kitchen and I couldn't find my keys. I look

over to Chris and he held my keys up. I walk over to him trying to grab the keys he pulls it away from me, " can I come with?" I roll my eyes and smile. " sure but I am leaving in two minutes."

I walk out of the kitchen and grab my jacket and keys, you know I am debating on getting another tattoo. That or piercing. I do not know.

But I heard Chris comedown, and he looked cute, but I went outside and got on my bike, and told Chris, " well come on, I won't bite." I smiled, he rolled his eyes and got behind me, before I drove off, he tapped my shoulder and gave me a kiss.

I look at her, so crazy has a different timeline than me, but she knows the pain of getting bit near her weird little head, so I tell her, " come on let's go upstairs and we can talk." We walk up stairs and into my old room, so she sat on the bed. I went to my closet " so what do you think I should

say, should I do it or not, I am nervous scarlet." But crazy sometimes says my name not shortened, so I say she should go for it.

" chance listen to me, I say you should go for it. Just tell him that you're nervous, and explain that you are slightly scared and ask him to take it slow." I look at her and then my head back in the closet. I then let out a happy scream, I forgot I had these boots, they were my demonia boots, " girl what you screaming about?" She walks over to me. I pull them out, " I forgot you had those." I then hear a car horn honk.

I scream again, then run down stairs and back outside. " thank you, thank you thank you, omg thank you." I gave axel a bone crushing hug. He said, " girl you are crushing me half to death." I let go and he held out the keys, I run over to it and get in the driver's seat, and put the key in the ignition, and rev the engine, I like cars I can't help it. But I turn it off something sounded funny, so I popped open the hood, and looked at it. " crazy, we got a problem" she comes running out after I screamed.

" what's wrong?!" She came over to me, " well the defibrillator is loose, do you still have the tools in the garage?" She nods, " can you go get them and I might need some help." I went back inside to get a different shirt on and a pair of jeans, I tied my hair in a bun then went back outside. " how the hell is the defibrillator loose?" She asks, I look to axel, " yeah how is the defibrillator loose?"

He looks to the ground, then scratches the back of his neck, my eyes go black, he knows that he is going to have to go, this happened before, with my bike, and he was maybe I don't know he was maybe eighteen and drunk, he crashed my bike, with no injuries thank goodness. But his neck was sore for a month.

I walk over to him, my fangs now showing, he looks at me in fear, then quivered, " I may have gotten into a race, and lost 1k. Please don't kill me." I slap him upside the head. " you idiot, I thought I told you to stop doing that, besides I thought that the cop was very clear. You owe me now." He took a deep breath. " I am not going to do that it just that now you have to go get us

ice cream, to make it up." He exhales, in relief. And there was an ice cream stand not that far from here, maybe fifteen minutes away.

" you know why don't you boys go, we have to stay here, I have to fix a few other things." So, carter, Chris and axel took carters car and drove off. But I went back over to my car and asked crazy to grab the car jack, I had to go under, the belt for the fan was named so, I had to fix it. 

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