chapter 7: I don't know the truth from the lies

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So it was near the end of the day and I wanted to ask Chris, " hey, I am debating on getting another tattoo but on my other arm, that and a nose ring. What do you think?" He looks at me and said, " cool, but I was wondering if we could get matching ones, tattoo wise." He laughed, " so when do you want to get your nose ring?" I had to pause for a moment, " what is today?" He said, " monday." I sighed, " maybe tomorrow" he nodded, and then I continued, " and Friday, do you want to go and get it?" He looked at me confused. " the tattoos?"

He spoke, " sure just I might have to find a spot where to put it." He motioned to his arms and hands, so I am sixteen and I think he is eighteen. But I love him so I really do not care.


So today I was going to get my nose ring and Chris had to go somewhere so I was going to drop him off. And go to, great can't remember the name. But I was going to get my nose ring, and surprise Chris with something, but he said that he wanted to get matching tattoos, and I honestly thought that was cute. But Chris texted me and said:

Hey I am out front can u pick me up pls.

I roll my eyes and go to pay, I walk out of the place and see that there were a lot of people, I don't know why, but whatever. So I walk to the front of the mall and see Chris and some chick, talking I see he is getting annoyed. But I was going to wait a moment. Then I walked over and said, " hi, you ready to go." He said, " sure." The chick gave me a dirty look. " hey I will be at the car in a minute." He nodded and walked away. So I was giving this girl a genuine smile. Then I said, " my name is Scarlett, Chris's girlfriend." She gave me a look. That looked like she was in pain.

Then spoke, " watch your back scar, you won't last long." She giggled then left. I mumbled, " weirdo." Then went to the car, and Chris was sitting in the driver's seat. " what yah doin?" I said, then he looked to face me. " I was gonna drive us home, and I wanted to do something nice for you." I smiled and it wasn't long until we got home, I must've fell asleep.

Unknowns pov

" did you get it done?"

" no I tri-" I cut her off by choking her

" what do you mean it is not done?!" I snapped

" he is too attached to her."

I roll my eyes, and make my grip more tighter, she tries to grab my hand, " you will get it done, she ruined me, and she will pay."

The girl was quivering, " next time you fail me you won't see the next sunrise." I dropped her and she was trying to catch her breath then got up and walked out.

Never trust an idiot To do the dirty work. They will only f**k up. And make things worse.

Scars pov

Flash back

Maybe I don't need to be here I am just a nobody no one will care if I go. I don't need to shed any more tears any more pain, anymore blood, it only creates more and more destruction. " no! Please leave me alone, get away from me!" I tried to run away but the person grabbed me by the ankle making me face plant to the cold dirty ground, I have never been so terrified in my life. I then felt something grab my arm making me stand up, I couldn't see the face, but that night was my last night alive.

I screamed, it choked me, making me lose my sight, trying to catch my breath, it neared towards me, the next thing I know I see fire and ash. What the hell happened.

End of Flashback

I woke up trembling sweat dripping down my face, I saw that I was in a bed, I look over to see more blankets, I wondered where Chris was maybe he is downstairs. I went to see and I found his phone, it was crushed in tiny bits and pieces, then I found a blood stain on the wall going into the kitchen, I went to see, there was nothing there. 

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