chapter 8: this cant be real

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I am starting to become worried now I think it is at least twenty four hours then call the cops but I didn't think that was going to work. So I called and they came over to ask a few questions. And I explained to them, just that I woke up from a nightmare, and saw that Chris wasn't by me or anywhere in the house, I saw that his phone was crushed and I went to look around the house more and saw the blood stain on the wall.

They said, " okay miss we will keep a look out for him, have a good day." Then they just left, I called the others and they said they hadn't seen him since the other day at school. So I still had school and I had to get ready because we had a two hour delay today, but I got dressed and ready and headed to school.

Unknowns pov

" so did you get the task done?" I asked her, she spoke and I turned to see. " good, leave." The girl left and the corridors slammed shut, I walked over and took the black felt off of his head.

" hello."

He growled, I grabbed him in a chokehold, he wasn't doing anything, so one thing I found out was that I can make a vampire's death more so to where they won't die completely but suffer almost.

He screeched out, " why are you doing this?!"

I made my grip tighter, he growled again, " aw, someone giving up?" I laughed He spit, " why do you do this, what the hell did I do?!"

I made my grip even more tighter, my hand showing my veins along with discoloration in my hand, I spoke, " you should know, you are dating that b**ch who destroyed me. She defamed me, stabbed me in the back, and know I am this destruction." His evens started to roll back then I just thought, well hell with it he will comeback.

" ahaha, when you wake you have to do what I say, and I want you to kill scarlet, make her suffer for what she did to me."

" watch your back scarlet, you won't be safe for long."

After school

Scarlett's pov

So I decided that I was going to go out for a bit, and I took my bike out, it was nice enough for it, so I didn't drive it in a while and I went to the park and I had my sketchbook and I usually just

draw anything but today I started to draw a landscape, and I the landscape would be in pencil, but it had a tree ocean in the back and there was a skeleton hanging down, it brought back memories, I think that I should at least say this.

I used to have a brother, his name was Asher and we got along pretty well but, this is what happened three years ago.

Three years ago- 2014

So I got home right after school and I noticed that Asher wasn't at school today. He has been skipping, grades are dropping, he has been not talking lately, I am getting more and more worried about him, and I was at school during passing period today, and I saw this girl, she was dating my brother, she was the head cheerleader, and I saw her flirting up a storm with some random guy, then she left. Let's just leave it to happiness always dies.

I came home early and I heard music, softly playing and I went up stairs, and I saw steam coming out of the bathroom door, so I try to open it but it feels like something is bearing it down, so I ram into the door, and I only saw, blood on the floor, the sink running and Asher, dead as can be, I look over to see there was a empty bottle of pills, and a rope, I just broke down into tears, and I immediately called an ambulance.

This was all my fault, I should have been a better sister to him, I knew something was wrong, I just didn't know what. The paramedics came and he said, he was far too gone. It shattered my heart, my brother was dead, because of me. They put him into a body bag and the rolled the gurney into the back of the truck. I was told that there was nothing I could do, but let time pass by.

I was broken to pieces my mind and body, completely numb, I wish I could just get rid of my feelings, all the pain, the memories. All the lies. But I just couldn't, I really couldn't come to it. I changed my look, my hair, my eyes, thanks to contacts. I did that for two years straight. And the next day after, I went back to school, and here's me minding my own business, the head cheerleader, came up to me and said, " hey, do you know where axel is? I didn't see him at school yesterday." She looked at me with a smile, and I was depressed, so out of pain I said, " he is gone, tiffany." She looked at me with a straight face, and said a little more annoyed, " what do you mean I know he is not at school, but-" I cut her off, and screamed, " my brother is dead because of you,b**h!"

She pushed me a little, and said, " stop lying you little w***e." I shed a tear, and put my book bag down and grabbed the death certificate, and gave it to her, and cried, " he committed suicide two days ago." She looked at me with a straight face, the punched me in the nose. I heard a crack and grabbed the certificate out of her hands, along with grabbing my stuff and going to the office to tell them what happened.

I walked down the hallway and I walked in and felt something drip down my nose, I saw a tissue box and grabbed one putting it to my nose. The principal came out of his office and asked, " miss scarlet, what can I do for you." He grabbed papers then asked in shock, " oh my, what happened to your nose?" I said, " may I please talk to you sir." He nodded yes and I walked into his office and he shut the door a little and spoke, " everything okay?" I shook my head no and said, " i have to tell you that Asher will not be going to school anymore." He looked confused.

" is he dropping out or being homeschooled?" He questioned, I spoke, " neither." I got out the paper folder, it had the autopsy report, hospital recognition for the first time he was hurt ( fractured arm), and the death certificate. I said, " this was two days ago sir." He looked at me shocked but with grief. " scarlet, I am so sorry for your loss, if you ever need someone to talk to please my door is open anytime." He spoke out of pity. I gave him a small genuine smile and said, " thank you sir." I was about to get up but he asked, " before you go scarlet, may I ask what happened to your nose?"

I looked to the wall then said, " tiffany, the head cheerleader, punched my nose, I believe that she broke it but it was because, she asked where Asher was and I told her, she didn't believe me and so I showed her the death certificate and that is when she punched me in the nose." I looked to the ground.

He looked at me and said, " I can speak to her if you would like?" I grabbed my stuff and said, " that is alright sir, I am gonna head to class so I don't want to be late." He said okay.

Present day

I got up off the park bench and then my phone vibrated, I looked to see the number it was Chris I almost dropped my stuff, but I answered.


S- Chris?

Unknown- hello scarlett

S- who the f**k is this?!

Unknown- aw now that is not the way to speak, to an old friend

S- who the h**l is this where is Chris.

Unknown- aw, don't remember me broken nose.

The hell is she doing

S- where is Chris?

Unknown- go to the abandoned, building about five miles out of town, meet there at midnight, don't bring anyone with you.

The line went dead and I was so pissed, I crushed my phone. The pen grabbed all my stuff and went home. 

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