chapter 10: scream revenge

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I found where the old abandoned building on the outside of town and I parked a little away from there and once I did I shut the engine off and got out and went to retrieve a few things, let's see I have my dagger and I think that will be all I need. I shut the trunk and I have a holster that can be hidden in a boot so I put it in the side of my combat boot.

I walk to the side and I see a opening and I crawl into the side and all I see is this empty room with shattered glass, blood stains, debris. And a fallen ceiling limb. I walk around it and I go into another room, and I see nothing I go into another room still nothing, like some say, three times a charm. So I went into another room and still no luck, F**K! I swear if I the next room is empty I will scream my head off.

So I look in the next room and finally I saw Chris laying on the floor, chained around his hands. I cried, " oh, my. Chris?" I then heard the one voice, " long time no see. I see that you are still the fat b**ch that killed my boyfriend." I looked over to see her, I wasn't gonna lunge to her, but I did have confidence, " aw, still talking about yourself I see." She came out of the shadows and I see her face was all burnt on the side and her eye was black as night, she hissed, " stop telling

yourself all these lies, scarlet. It will just eat away at you, after all these years." I was becoming more and more angry but I wasn't gonna attack her yet. I screamed, " what do you want from me?!"

All I hear is this screech, and tiffany running towards me, I pull the dagger out of my boot and I was ready to fight. I lunged towards her and I saw in the Corner of my eye two others running towards me, and I couldn't see who they were I was to focused on destroying her. She pushed me to the ground, and all there was is the venom tongue of her, " I thought I told you to come alone!" She kicked in my stomach, I quickly got up and said, " I did come alone!" I started to choke her and I saw that in the corner of my eye I saw crazy, carter, Ryan, Ricky, and rose.

I kicked her in the stomach, make I go her fall to the ground. I scream, " WHAT THE F***ING HELL DID I EVER DO TO YOU!" I kicked her in the stomach once again, then I was pulled away, she slowly got up, and coughed, " you know what you did to me, remember middle school, you defamed me scarlet, and you blamed me for his death. You ruined my life, you made me feel the guilt, do you not hear me?!"

I broke away and ran and tackled her to the ground, I kept screaming and punching, I gave up after a while, and I cried, " Asher is dead because of you, you destroyed his heart, I found him dead, how would you feel if you found your sibling dead." I knocked her good in the head making her fall unconscious.

I got up and everyone just looked at me, " why did you come? You could of got hurt. I can't lose anymore family." I saw that Chris was standing there and I broke down, and just ran out of there. I finally got to the outside and got to my car and hit my head to the steering wheel then put the key in and started the ignition.

I was gonna drive around a while. To clear my head, but I had to get away from what just happened. Every memory came flooding back I will say this, I will have my brothers name revived, I will find my own way to put her in her place, if she tries this bulls**t ever again I will kill her and burn the head.

Crazy's pov

I have never seen this side of scarlet. It is something very new. Just we were all dumbfounded to what we just witnessed, Chris asked, " f**k, what just happened?" I looked at them in complete confusion, I don't even know what happened. Scarlet was really secretive about her past, just I only knew her cousin and that's it.

Scarlett's pov

I was driving around for so long I didn't realize I was out all night, when the sun came up I saw something, more like someone in the road and I had to swerve, when I did everything went black. 

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