chapter 11: let you down

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Next day/ morning

Crazy's pov

It was the next day and no one knew where scar was, we think she was out all night, but last night we promised that no one would talk about it. Just now I would like to find out where scar is.

So I went in the front room and just before I got to sit down the phone rang, I went to pick it up and it was an unknown number.



H- is this chance?

C- this is she?

H- hello, I am sorry to inform you with this but mrs. Scarlet was in a car crash. I immediately felt the world stop, my best friend was in a crash

C- ok. Thank you I will be there as soon as I can.

I hung up the phone and immediately called carter down stairs, by yelling. He came running down and I started to put the number for Chris's number in and the line rang.

I explained, and he said he will be there in twenty. I can't bring myself to believe reality. Just the true hate that comes from all.

Scarlett's pov.

Ugh. What's with the light, I start to open my eyes and I see that I am still laying in bed, but how if I am-. Wait am I dead? This is not real, this isn't happening this is put real. what the hell happened to me ?! I walk over to my corpse and see a red gaping hole with stitches and I can't even realize the pain. I am starting to remember, I went out for a drive and I saw someone in the road then everything went black.

I see crazy, Chris, and carter come running in and I start to cry I run to him and try to give him a hug. I just fall through, and my heart just shattered. And from everything that just kept building up inside I didn't know what to do so I just screamed, and once I saw the lights were flickering. Yes, this could be my way back home.

Chris's pov

I got a call from crazy saying that scar was in a crash, I just felt like I sank into a bottomless abyss. I got there in twenty minutes and once I got there crazy was there to, I gave her a quick hug then went inside and asked for scarlett, she said she was in ER unit. we went to there and the nurse showed us and once I saw scar just laying there life less. I wasn't sure what to do but I walked over and saw that there was a whole in the middle of her chest, it was bandaged and had stitches. I broke down and crazy just ran out there.

I had to speak to her one last time. She is my world. I spoke, " scar, scarlet, please don't leave me, I need you in my life, you are what made my undead Heart beat again, every moment we had, the first day we met I first looked at you and sparks went off. You are my life scarlet. Please come back to me."

Scarlett's pov

I heard Chris speak and I had to find a way to speak to him, I tried make

I got the lights flicker again, and it worked. I then walked over and put my hand on his shoulder. I saw him shiver. I tired to talk, and I said, " Chris, never in a million years would I ever leave you. I love you no matter what."

Chris's pov

I felt a cold presence then I was pulled out of my thoughts when crazy said, " hey, the nurse told me that visitor hours ended, we have to go. Can drive you home if you want?" I shook my head and squeaked out, "no that's okay. Thank you though." She nodded and walked out. I have to

get her back, I can't live without her she is my world, and I don't know what I would do without her.

Scarlett's pov

It seemed like two weeks later, everyday I am trying to regain my life. But I saw that I believe it was Friday of that week a few doctors came in and I heard one say, " I don't think we can do anything else. We have tried everything. We have to let her go."

What! I am not gonna stay dead. No way, I have a life I wanna live, I wanna do things make the most of my self. I have to find a way.

The next day

So I have been trying all night long, and still no luck. I saw the doctors come in and when they were about to stop the monitor I screamed at the top of my undead, lungs and I opened my eyes, and the monitor tracked a pulse, I said, " o-oh, my god it worked. I can't believe it." I was so happy I had tears running down my face, then the doctor just fainted, it was hard not to laugh. But after a while the doctors checked me out and said everything was fine, they didn't know how the hell I am alive but.

The doctors called Chris, in and I was so happy to see him, I wanted to get up and I actually could, and I mumbled out, " holy f**k I am so numb right now." Chris just laughed. But I guess you could tell the rest to what happened.

Three years later

So it was now three years later, I am a single girl now, I still do keep in touch with Chris, and the others but we broke it off a year ago. But to update with everything that happened, so Chris, and the guys are now in a band, motionless in white, I listen to some of there music. It is good, but I am a photographer in New York now, and my life is now really chill, but it have to say this, I am no longer a creature. I actually am human again. I don't know but I think I know what did it was that when I was in the car crash, it reversed the role, but hey at least I am only human.

But that is all and yes I still do hang out and talk to chance. She is now married, has two kids, two girls, Alexandra, and Shelby. I think it was cute, but yeah, they are going strong in their relationship but I think that is pretty much it. So that is my little journey, well bye..

The end

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