chapter 6: speak with an open mind

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So it has been about two weeks after I got my car back and I moved in with Chris. I am super happy about that, but I think that he is becoming very distant lately, but I see this look in his eyes, it is a mixture of fear and loss. So I don't know what that means or what.

So me and Chris were going to stay in and watch a movie and I sat on the left side of the couch and Chris sat on the other side, we were watching saw, the second one of the series, I think they are okay, but I hope they make another one. But I felt my phone vibrate and I got a notification on twitter, I follow a few friends and bands and universal, but I saw the notification and i clicked on it and it showed this,

@universal studios,

October 27,2017

Jigsaw the games of saw,

Coming to theaters

Pause​ ​okay​ ​so​ ​really​ ​quick​ ​I​ ​forgot​ ​what​ ​the​ ​notification​ ​looked​ ​like​ ​but​ ​this​ ​is​ ​a​ ​legit movie​ ​that​ ​will​ ​be​ ​coming​ ​out​ ​in​ ​October​ ​along​ ​with​ ​the​ ​movie​ ​American​ ​Satan,​ ​so​ ​one​ ​is on​ ​the​ ​13th​ ​and​ ​the​ ​other​ ​is​ ​the​ ​27th.​ ​So​ ​that​ ​is​ ​all​ ​back​ ​to​ ​the​ ​story.

I got up and started to dance around, I am a horror movie loving person, I can handle the jump scares at times, so I stopped to catch my breath and Chris just looked at me and said, " what the f**k?" He looked confused so I unlocked my phone and gave it to him, he shrugged and gave it back then looked at the screen again.

I wanted to text crazy to let her know, but I also had to go back to school tomorrow. Great.

So I know what you are probably thinking why aren't you back in school, so the principal planned it so we were off the one week then the next two weeks were fall break, I was happy about that. But I sat back down and kept watching the movie. Is it me or does anyone ever notice how stupid people act in horror films?

I was lost in my own world right now but I was pulled out of it when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, " yes, Chris?" I ask him and turn to face him, he turns to face me and I ask, " what? Is there something on me?" He moves closer, then says, " scarlet can I talk to you?" I nod, he continues on, " scarlet I want you to submit to me, I know that I have been very distant lately it is just that I have been thinking about this for a long time. And I thought about it and decided."

I looked at him in total shock, then said, " Chris, are you sure about this?" He kissed me, then said, " yes, I want to be there by your side forever with you." I pause for a moment, the shakily said, " okay, if you are one hundred percent sure about this then I am okay with it." I move closer to him, and tie my hair in a bun. " just please don't hurt me." He moved near my face and said, " never in a million years."

I have to admit that I was nervous, scared, but yet happy. I had so many mixed emotions, and I actually felt my heartbeat. And it hasn't done that in a while. But he kissed me then moved near my neck, I closed my eyes in fear, and tried not to tense up. Before I knew he sunk his fangs into my neck and I let out a squeak, and I tensed up, and it hurt a little, but he then grabbed my back and pulled me closer to him, and held my head more to the side.

I closed my eyes and opened them again, but I felt more and more faint, and tried to tap. His shoulder but my arms are too weak, but after a little I think he noticed and let go. I feel back on the couch. And felt sore.

Chris's pov

So scarlett said yes to my question, and well I think you would know, but I don't know what it was but I craved her, her essence, her love, her personality, basically just her. But I felt her getting weak so I let go and she feel back to the couch.

But she said, " I love you." Before she fell asleep. But I wanted to let her sleep and it was getting late so I went to bed but I wanted to be near her so I fell asleep on the couch.

The next day

Scarlett's pov

So I woke up to a snuggled up Chris next to me, I smiled but I had to wake him up because my arm fell asleep. So I kept nudging his arm, and said, " hey, Chris, Chris, wake up." I still kept poking his arm no his head, so I forgot that today we had to go back to school, ugh. But I saw a pin on the table, so that is one way to get him up.

So I grab it and try to open it, but then I thought why not scare the hell out of him, so this is what I did, " wake the f**k up!!" I said slightly close to his head, he woke up and fell on the floor. I laugh. He groans, then said, " you're gonna pay for what you did." I look at him and said, " well I tried to wake you up and you weren't budging so plan c." He looked at me confused, the asked, " what was plan b?" I grabbed the safety pin, and showed him. He snatched it out of my hands, " don't do it. Okay?" He looked at me and I looked at him, then looked at the clock he said, " crap, we're gonna be late."

I get up and race up stairs, and I was going to drive to school today, but I wanted to do something different with my hair so I put it like and elf braid, and it was cute, but I wore my black ripped skinny jeans and my slipknot tank that was originally a t-shirt. But I wore my black spaghetti strap tank under it with my demonia boots, so I was going for a different look today. And I liked it but I ran down stairs, tripping because of my boots, Chris comes over to me and helps me up and asked," you okay?"

I nod, and say, " come on we're going to be late for class." I grab my books and purse which had my keys and phone and important things, but we ran in the car, and off we went. It took us five minutes because I was speeding a little.

But we got there and our first hour was music so, it was easy to get there, and I am hoping that the teacher isn't there.

But we went to that class and the teacher wasn't there but we sat near his clan, so I think we got there just in time. 

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