chapter 9: take my life

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I got home and dropped all my stuff and went up stairs and I knew what to do, I called crazy and asked if she still had my punching bag in the basement. She said yeah, and I asked if I could come over, this was her answer, " anytime, besides I have to talk to you." So help me if carter got my best friend knocked up I will hurt him.

But I grabbed my duffle bag and I put a pair of gloves, my gym shoes, a pair of shorts and my tank top. And then I grabbed my keys to my car and threw my bag in the back and I was blaring stitched up heart throughout the car and before I knew it i was there, I saw that there was no cars so either carter is out or they both aren't home.

But after I got out I went to go knock on the door. Crazy answered it and gave me a hug. I walked in and went downstairs and we have a bathroom installed so I got changed in there. And crazy asked me, " scarlet, you okay?" I walked out and said, " yeah I am fine, just board." She looked at me for a second, and continued, " okay, well I am gonna be upstairs just yell if you need anything." I thanked her and she went upstairs, I went over to the iPod speaker and I put my phone in and hit the play button and slipknot started to play. Really quick I do have to say that slipknot is probably my second favorite out of my playlist

I had to clear my head, and since I was in this weird state I really didn't want to drive anywhere so. I started to stretch then just did a good swift kick to the punching bag, and idiot me I forgot that I took the bottom chain off so the bag swung back at me making me fall on my a**. Great.

So I just started to talk out loud, " I can't believe that no good b**ch. she has taken everything from me!" I started to take my anger and all the pain I have kept bottled up all this time and I kind of broke the chain connected to the ceiling, making the bag fall. " damnit, I have lost my sanity, my brother, my life, and now she has my boyfriend captive somewhere, she has taken everything from me, I am gonna find her and she will pay for the hell she put me through."

Crazy's pov

I heard screaming coming down stairs, I knew scarlet was down there but I walked over to the basement door and I heard her say, ' she will pay for the hell she put me through.' I know that she was possibly talking about someone, I just hope it wasn't about me. I heard the door open

and I walked over to see carter, I went over and gave him a hug, he spoke, " hi, you okay?" I looked down then said, " it is scarlet, I am worried, she is down stairs and I think that she has gone literally mad."

He looked at me concerned. " crazy, I know that she is gonna be fine, besides if I you know what your instincts tell you then you will be okay and scarlet will to." He gave me a hug, I really hope he was right but after a few minutes he went up stairs and I went to check on scarlet.

Unknown's pov

It was getting close to ten and I knew what my plan was, I was gonna lure her here and then tie her up and leave them both, I doubt that anyone will miss them anyways.

I went over to Chris and he was passed out cold, so I was gonna wake him up, but I will in an hour, when it is eleven. But for now I had revenge waiting to set foot.

Scarlett's pov

I was still down stairs and I was trying to put the chain back into the ceiling, that took a while but I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I look to see crazy. I said, " hey. What's up?" She comes walking over and replied, " scarlet, can I talk to you." I nodded, and she continued, " are you doing alright?" I had to lie through my teeth. So I said, " yeah, why?" She looked at me and I said it again, " I am fine I swear. Now what was it that you wanted to talk about earlier?"

She looked to the ground, then said, " scar, can fertile vampires get morning sickness." I looked at her wide eyed, then started jumping up and down. She looked at me like I was insane. So I asked her, " do you know for sure?" She nodded and said, " I did a test thing and it read positive." I gave her a squished hug, and she squeaked out, " oh, scar you're all sweaty." I laughed then realized, " does carter know?" Her eyes widened. " you have to tell him. I think he will be happy, if not I will make sure no other little ones are running around." She started laughing and I went over to my phone to check the time.

It said, eleven. Sh**, I have to get ready, I am glad I brought an extra pair of clothes. Crazy asked, " hey, you can spend the night if you want? I don't mind, besides we can catch up on things." I grabbed my phone and went back over to crazy. I told her, " crazy I don't think tonight maybe tomorrow maybe. I have to go somewhere in a few minutes, so I will be okay. And thank you for letting me come over. Also can I keep my gym shoes over here." She nodded, I said thank you and went to the bathroom and got changed, into my leather jacket, it was a new one I got.

I did make a few tweets to it and I painted wild one on the back with a skull. So it came with spikes on the shoulders, so I thought that was neat, but I grabbed my tank top and put that on, and my jeans I had quite a few rips in them but they were black with red splatter paint on them, I grabbed my gloves, and I went upstairs, said my goodbyes and I kind of went to the car, and I had a few things in the trunk but I put my duffle bag in there and I went off.

I had twenty minutes to get there. I didn't care if I was passing the speed limit, I had to find her, and I will make sure she pays for what she has done. 

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