chapter 1: i hate mondays

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Hi, my name is scarlet, I'm a fertile vampire, 16,and my best friend is chance, but I call her crazy. But we go to a place you would call school but we call hell. Or prison. Hehe. But yeah you mess with either of us, well you will probably get beaten to a pulp. At school we are respected more than others especially doms, which they say that they have control of us but we don't really care. But that is all for now.


Crazy tries waking me up, " scarlet, come on wake up, we have school." I mumble, " so fuck school. I don't care." She yanks the blanket off of me and the bed, pulling me with it the next. " ok. I am up." So it was the first day of school, and it was our sophomore year so, we had to go through the same thing every year, just senior year was different, we had to find a mate. I think it is pretty stupid.

" scar can we please take the bike, please." She looks at me with sad eyes, " fine, but we have fifteen minutes to get to school." So my offutt was, spiked black heels my leather jacket, me and crazy have matching ones, and I have more tattoos than a normal sixteen year old. But I have a sleeve, and one on my back.

But we got there and everyone looked at us with jaws dropped and it was the same for guys, but we got off and walked inside. And me and crazy had somewhat of the same schedule, we had a few clans at school. But a bunch of guys walked in and sat on the east side of the room.

Mrs.wheeler spoke, " so since today is the first day we are going to get to know each other. And since scarlet, you don't like doing this why don't you go first." I roll my eyes, " well, my name is scarlet but I go by scar, I like bikes, drawing, tattoos, metal, cars, or anything with an engine." I looked at crazy, she said, " basically what scar said. But you mess with her you mess with me." There were a few laughs, and the guys smile.

A few humans, looked at us in fear. I laughed, then the guys went, " I'm Chris." " I'm devin." " I'm Ryan." " and I'm Ricky." " so, we are the, M.I.W. clan" wait is that what they were talking about, I heard a few other people talk about it, but damn. The tall one who I think said his name was Chris, he was kind of cute. I looked over to him, and his eyes flashed a iridescent purple and so did mine, was he my mate?

The bell rung, and I stayed behind a little and the tall guy caught my attention, " scarlet right? I'm, Chris." He said, and my eyes were locked with his, I have a weird feeling that he was a dom. " hi." I spoke softly, I never do that. I can't lose my strength. Well who am I kidding I have been on blood bags for four months. " would you like to have lunch with me and the guys. And crazy can come to." He spoke, and I nodded. " well see you at lunch." He then flashed his fangs at me in a killer smile. He walked away, and my face was beat red, and I felt my fangs prick the bottom of my lip.

Crazy came up behind me and scared me, " crazy don't do that." She looks at me. " oh, also we are sitting with the Miw clan at lunch today." Then I thought about Chris, and my face was beat red again. Crazy asked, " oh, scar got a crush." " no I do not." She said, " say that without turning red"

So a few periods went by and soon it was lunch. We walked in and Chris flagged us down,and we walked over and sat, " so how was your, day." I was taken aback to by what he said, then I saw that the school's slut was staring me down, so I yelled, " hey, take a picture it will last longer." She then stormed over here and said, " b**ch" I got up and snapped, " what you say to me!" She looked at me again and slapped me across my face and said, " you heard me." I punched her face. " what did I ever do to you. I did nothing, I am sick and tired of your s**t." She runs out of the cafeteria I see my hand and it is slightly bloody.

Fight it scar, fight it. Don't lose your sense. I run to the bathroom to clean it off, and crazy runs after me. " scar, you okay?" I look at my hand seeing the red wash away. Then I go to dry it off, " chance," I look at my hand, then look at her, " chance I almost lost control. I can't keep doing this. It is eating away at me, killing me from the inside."

She looks at me in concern, " come with me to my locker, I have an extra till we get home." I felt my fangs prick the bottom of my lip, s**t, I need to hurry. But we finally got to her:my locker, and she gave me it and it helped and I felt a presence behind me, I look to see it was Chris, " h-hey."

I stuttered. He said, " you alright?" I spoke, " I will be." I put the bag in the backpack it was in a ziplock bag so I had to get rid of it when we got home. " scar, if you don't mind me asking, would you like to hang out today after school?" I nodded, and my face was a beat cherry red, he smiled. I smiled back, but not realizing my fangs were out then he showed his. Yikes.

After school

So I was going to hang out with Chris after school, and crazy took home the bike, and said that don't be home late I rolled my eyes, but we got to his house, and it was beautiful, I was absolutely astonished, " holy, omg." " those were my words when my parents gave me the house. Come on let's go in." So we walk in the house and he asks, " do you wanna watch a movie?" I reply with, " sure."

So we go to sit on the couch, and he puts a movie in and it was a horror movie, I didn't mind. We sat on opposite sides of the couch. It was completely quiet then there was a jump scare, and it scared the s**t out of me and I fell on the floor. Chris started laughing, I got up and said, " it's not funny." I sat back on the couch, and Chris scotched over to me. " scar can I ask you something?" I looked towards him, " sure?" He face me and spoke, " today, at lunch, when you punched her, and your hand had blood on it,where you okay?"

I looked at my hands, he moved his hand to my cheek, and I looked up, " scar, I will always be there for you, I feel like I have known you my whole life. And today in first hour I saw your eyes

flash a purple color. But when was the last time-" I cut him off, " it has been four months and I have been on nothing but blood bags. I am weak on the inside but I may seem tough but I really am not." I start to cry. " scar it is okay, just answer me this, when was the last time you have actually fed?" I look to my hands and try to wipe away the tears, still streaming down and that is what I get for wearing makeup.

" hey, scar, it is okay, I want to help. Come here." He said, " Chris, I can't." " it is okay, before you do I think you're my mate." I look at him, and he nods, and pulls me closer to his neck, I ask again, " are you sure about this Chris?" He whispers, " I trust you." I then sink my fangs into his neck. And he stiffened a little.

Chris's pov

So I wanted to help scar, but I really think that she is my mate. I felt some sort of this connection with her. And she asked if I was sure and I said I want to help so, she sank her fangs in my neck, and they felt a tiny bit longer than what a normal fertiles would be. She pulled back, and her eyes were a iridescent violet. She then spoke, " thank you." I smiled to her, and gave her a kiss. At first she was surprised then kissed back. She is so pretty, and loyal and beautiful. I want her to be in my life forever.

Ch.2: to the auditorium. 

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