What happened?

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Amelia's pov
I'm driving Eddie's van to Mike's house "why
are we going to wheelers house?" Eddie asks
"because we will crash there tonight, bring
everyone over" they look at me

"everyone?""Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, Eleven, Nancy,Steve, Robin, and Johnathan" "uh why
fucking Jonathan!?" Jenny groans

"Because he knows what's going on in this
fucked up town and might be able to help!
After we all talk we will make a plan and go
from there, Eddie if and when your uncle goes
back home he's gonna see.... Chrissy." It was
still hard to say

"He will call the cops and then you're gonna be suspect number one" I look at him and see the flash of panic in his eyes I grab his hand "it's gonna be ok just trust me" he nods and squeezes my hand "Ok let's go, be quiet though" I walk up to the front door and open it, we all walk inside and see Mike and Nancy

"So why are y'all here?"

Mike asks with an attitude "Some crazy shit
just happened and I'm pretty sure it has to do
with the upside down" they both look at me in
terror "What?" Nancy asks "I'll explain everything tomorrow, but can we please crash here for tonight?" They nod

"what happens at your trailer?" Mike asks "it was my trailer" Eddie says

"Why are y'all hanging out anyways
Eddie? You know her kind doesn't talk to
people like us" I roll my eyes "Mike get over yourself, the only person I don't like in y'all's little club is you" Eddie smirks at my attitude and Nancy laughs

"We set up an air mattress down there, it's a king size. It should fit you all but if you don't
wanna sleep together there's a very
uncomfortable couch down there too" I nod
and walk down with Jenny and Eddie

"I'Il take the couch" Jenny says and Eddie
looks at me

"wait what about if they come down and see us cuddling or something" I shake my head and walk over to him "that's the least of our worries baby" I kiss him sweetly and he smiles "ok"
I get into bed watching Eddie as he takes off
his shirt and pants (cause who would
wanna sleep in skinny jeans) and climbs
into bed next to me

"Get some sleep, we're gonna have a rough
day tomorrow" I say and he nods, cuddling into me quickly falling asleep

I feel awful

I just sat and watched as one of my friends
died, then ran and now I'm here. And Eddie
and Jenny don't deserve to have all this trauma now. I didn't want them to ever have to find out about the upside down because it's horrible but now I have to explain everything to them.
Fuck I just wanted it all to go away I wanted
my life to be normal again I lean into Eddie more trying to get as much comfort as possible. I squirm trying to get comfortable and all I feel is him pull me closer and start playing with my hair softly.

He's been doing that since the nightmares have started because it calms me down
"I love you " I whisper

"I love you too princess" he says in his very tired deep voice
I wake up at about 4 am which sucks but it's
better than getting no sleep I look over at
Jenny and see she's wide awake too, Eddie is
still asleep which is good.

I get up slowly not wanting to wake him up and tiptoe over to her

"Hey" I say "hi" she says quietly
I sit by her on the couch and sigh "I think I
should explain it all to you right now because
it's a lot to take in, she hesitantly nods. "So
basically what happened to Chrissy last night
was some paranormal shit right?" "Yeah" she
says "Well basically there's this place called
the upside-down. And this place is full of
these very dangerous creatures with crazy
powers and stuff" I say and she looks at me
with fear "And for all I know it's been around
for a while but it just started doing stuff to
this town a few years ago, do you remember
when Will went missing?" She nods
Well he was in the upside down, basically got
kidnapped by it. And then these things called
the demagorgans (sorry I really don't
know how to spell it) started entering Hawkins. Then you know that giant lab?" She
nods once again

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