I missed you

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Amelia's pov
It's been a longgg month, I've been dealing with maxs hospital updates and Eddie's. The police and news talking to me all the damn time, and my pregnancy. It's been a good pregnancy besides the sickness and mood swings.

It's really hard without Eddie though so fucking hard

I've basically told all the close people in my life for example, Jenny, Robin, Steve, Hop, El, Will, Dustin and Lucas. They're the ones I told but then they told others.

I haven't seen my mom since she came to visit max about three weeks ago, so she still doesn't know. I doubt she cares and if I'm honest she'd probably be disappointed

I've been at the hospital nonstop going between eddie and max every single day. I've only left a handful of times and when I did it went to Eddie's trailer and slept in his bed or wore his clothes or played his guitar from the few notes he taught me.

Oh I also told Eddie's uncle about the baby and he was so happy about it

Right now I'm in Eddie's hospital room reading a book and rubbing my belly

"Amelia" I turn and see wayne "hi Mr.Munson" he smiles "hey dear" he sits on the other side of the hospital bed across from me

"Any signs?" I shrug "they said they saw some toe wiggling and finger tapping but nothing that I've seen." I sigh "I wish he was here" he nods "we all do, I have some good news though" my face brightens a bit

"Eddie's name is cleared" I squeal and smile

"FINALLY" I cry I grab Eddie's hand and kiss it "you hear that baby? You're free and no one thinks you did anything bad" I squeeze his hand and smile "How?" I ask

"Well with everything everyone told the cops, with where Eddie was and stuff. They put stuff together and realized eddie was hurt and they put it all on Jason" I nod

"I kinda feel bad but that ass deserves it, he's one of the main reasons my sisters in a god damn coma!" I say

"Well once eddie wakes up he's good to go, so he can live a normal life with you and y'all's baby" I smile and put my hand on my small bump, I'm almost two months

I turn at the sudden knock at the door

"Hey guys" the nurse that helped me says happily, I smile in return

"Just here to run some tests" I nod and watch as she does some things to Eddie then as soon as she's done I grab his hand and sigh

"I should go check on max now, I'll be back" Wayne smiles and nods as I kiss Eddie's head then leave

Eddie's pov (in the coma right after everything went down)
The last I can remember is being attached by those assholes that are named 'demobats'

I'm worried because I can't see anything, I can't move or talk all I can do is hear. And think but you already know that. The only thing in my mind is AMELIA AMELIA AMELIA and the baby. I really hope they're ok

What happened!? Where am I. I really need my princess right now I need her touch, her smile, her voice, her bodyyyy, her hair and of course her beautiful personality I'm a little scared

Am I dead? Asleep? A coma? I really don't know

I hear a bunch of beeping and muffled talking so I'm not dead... I think. Then I hear a faint cry a cry I know tooo well

Amelia! I try to say but nothing comes out

I feel a hand take mine as the sobs get louder, oh princess I try to say but nothing I soon hear Dustin, Henderson! Still nothing

Later I hear everyone come and go and then hoursss later it's just amelia and Dustin I think. She's been talking to me about the baby and how much she loves me. God I love her so much she's the best
Present day, Eddie in his coma
I don't know how long it's been

I don't wanna know but all I know is I'm gonna wake up and I'm gonna do it for my baby and it's mommy. I'm gonna do it for my friends and I'm gonna do it for my uncle.

I've moved a bit recently but I really need to wake up

I try what I always do wiggle my fingers and toes and try to open my eyes

I feel myself wiggling and it takes a few tries but then my eyes pop open

"EDDIE?" I shoot my head to the left and see my uncle "W-Wayne..?" He smiles but immediately getting the nurse

A bunch of people come rushing in and checking me and asking me questions "No I need A-Amel... fuck my girlfriend" I sigh and look around in hope and they nod "Edward we need to run some tests and-" I grunt "Amelia!" Is all I can say

One of the nurses rolls her eyes and the other rushes out the door

A few seconds later I see the beautiful olive skin, ginger hair, brown puppy dog eyes and beautiful body

"Oh my god" she says as she sees me "hi pr-princess" her eyes look at me as if she's never looked at me before and then the waterworks "oh love don't cry" she looks at the nurse for permission and once granted she comes over to me and cups my face, kissing me softly

"I missed you so much eddie you would not believe it baby" I smile "I have some news" I nod and she just smiles at me for a second "you're name is cleared" she kisses me again "anddd the baby" she whispers and I look at her belly as she lifts up her shirt and shoes her tiny bump

I coo as I put my hand on it and smile "our little pumpkin" she giggles "how're you feeling?" I look up at her and she shrugs "really stressed, tired, emotional just all of the fun stuff. But how are you feeling babe you just woke up from a month long coma" she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear

"I'm ok princess, hoes everyone else?" She looks down and starts to play with my hand, which she usually does when she's upset "well everyone is ok ex-except max" she chokes out I kiss her hand and frown "oh darling, come here" I open my arms and she snuggles into my side with her head in my neck and my hand running through her hair

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I left you and our little baby." She shakes her head kisses my neck "it's not your fault" I nod "I love you" she tells me "I love you more then anything princess m-more then life" that's when we both close our eyes and soak up each other

Hes backkkkkk are we surprised? No, Are we happy?HELL YEAH

Also I've completely forgot what month it is in the story sooo I'm gonna make it mid October,a week before Eddie's birthdayyyy so next chapter is gonna be Eddie's birthday ahhhh

Let's say Amelia is 6 weeks pregnant soo a month and two weeks. I'm not sure if this adds up but that's what I'm gonna put it as so let's go with it

Love ya byeee

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