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Amelia's pov
I wake up and for the first time in about 2 days I feel the warmth of my boyfriend "Eddie" I whisper "Eddie!" He humor us and looks at me

"What!?" I smile and kiss him softly "relax, just waking you up" I laugh at the mess of hair on his head "I have to get up and ready and you my love have to get back to your cabin" he groans

"Nooo" he whines in his deep morning voice

"Yes" I take his hand and yank him up

His body goes limp in my arms "Eddie I swear to god!" He reluctantly stands up and pouts "mhm just keep pouting" I walk out and hear his whine

"Morning" I say to max and she smiles

She smiled? Haven't seen that in months

"Hey uh Amelia could we uh may-" Jenny walks in and interrupts "GOOD MORNINGGGG" Robin jumps up off the couch at the sudden shout "Jenny! Shut up!"I look at max and she's already out the door

"Max! Wait!" I run after her "max! MAXINE!" She turns around and I see tears forming "I'm sick of it!" She shouts "of what!?!" "You! And your bullshit!" I frown

"What?" She shakes her head "Everyone cares about you! Everyone loves you! Everyone pays attention to you and your feelings but no one ever even looks at me! I can't sleep I can't eat I can barely function!" I fold my arms

"Max what are you even talking about!? I care about you! I love you and I'm already here for you! And I know that you're struggling trust me I do but I can't help you if you don't let me!" She rolls her eyes and wipes her tears "I'm gonna go, do NOT follow me" and with that she turns around and gets on her board

I turn around and go inside "fuck!" I shout

"What's wrong?" Robin asks "max! She just ran? I need to go after her" I look at Steve and he nods "yeah yeah come on" me and him walk out and as we do Lucas and Dustin walk up "where are y'all going?"

"To fine max,come on" we all get in the car and Steve starts driving
We've been driving for like 19 minutes and eventually I have this feeling..? "The grave... BILLYD GRAVE!" Steve looks at me and I sigh "go!"

As soon as we get there I get out of the car and run to the grave "max!" She doesn't even flinch "shit, GUYS HURRY!" They all run over and see max in her state

"What the" Lucas looks at her in fear "Shit shit shit what do we do!?!" We all look at Dustin he knows the most "she needs something to distract her? Calm her down?" I think "her music!" I pick up the cassette tape and look at them

"Her favorite song!?!" Lucas picks up one and hands it to me I frantically put it in and play it, Dustin puts the headphones on her head

We all wait and then all of a sudden she goes in the air

"MAX NO NO HOLF ON MAX!" I scream at my little sister "Not you not you!" Lucas sons "MAX!!!" We all shout

Third person
"Maxxxxx" she turns around and gasps "billy?" She says in a startled tone "hello Maxine" he smirks, she backs up slowly

"Wh-how are you here?" He chuckles a bit "I never left"  she takes a breath and shakes her head "you died,I saw you die" he nods "yes but did I ever leave you? Or was I alwaysss in your head 24/7" he draws out "yes but" he puts a finger to her lips

"And why's that? It's because you're the reason I'm dead. You and Amelia and your stupid friends" max steps back again but it just causes him to come closer

"That's not true!" She cries "oh but it is max it is" her eyes shut and she shakes her head "no no no no!" "MAX" a different yet stranger voice shouts

Her eyes hesitantly open and she gasps

"Why so scared?" The creature asks and before max could even think she runs "not so fast" he takes one of his arm things and wraps it around her leg, pulling her back

"NOOO HELP ME NO-AMELIA!LUCAS!" She shouts before being tied up to this weird post

"Let me go" she sobs as the creature comes closer "let me go!" She shouts causing it to wrap its 'arms' around her neck and begin to choke her "please..." "max you caused this... you are the reason your brother died, you must join me. Join us" "who are y-you" is smirks "I am vecna"

She closes her eyes and prays as he puts his hand up to her face

All of a sudden she hears her favorite song start playing in the distance, vecna looks behind him in confusion and max rips a part of his neck off. Getting released and gasping for air

She looks up and sees a portal? She sees Amelia,Dustin,Lucas and Steve all panicking around her FLOATING BODY!?!

The song plays and she runs towards her friends trying not to look back and get caught again

"MAX!NO NO MAX PLEASE!" Her sister screams "I'm coming" she tries to reply and after what seemed like endless running she's faking from the sky onto the ground in front of her friends

"MAX!" They all shout as her mind finally realizes she's ok "I'm so so scared" is all she says as her sister hugs her for dear life (like Lucas and max)

"I'm so sorry. I'm never letting go" amelia tells max as the others all join the hug

trust me I know the words weren't the same as the actual scene in strangerthings but I didn't want to steal it so I added my own touch. I hate doing 3rd person so please don't judge me on that, I saw a video on tiktok saying how people like hate first person and it made me self conscious of my books💀

Anyways hope you enjoyed


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