Before it all goes down

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Maxs pov
Yeah I don't buy it she went to the store for chips and then comes back like an hour later with nothing. I know my sister and I definitely know something's wrong, I can tell Eddie and Jenny know something's up too

I stare at her and she smiles awkwardly "Amelia" I say "yes?" I stand up and walk into the basement, hoping she'll follow

She did

"What's up with you?" She asks and I laugh "really? I should be asking the same thing for you" she groans "I'm fine! Why does everyone think I'm not? Eddie now you, I am fineee" I scoff "liar"

"I don't lie" I shake my head "yes you do, trust me I know liars when I see them" she looks down and her stomach "ameliaaaa" she doesn't look up "did you get a scare again?" She shakes her head no

Last year when her and Eddie were in an early relationship she got a pregnancy scare. She was so scared because she didn't want to loose her cheer spot and she said she needed to stay a 'perfect' shape which is bull

I was there for her but luckily it was a negative test "Amelia" she looks up "max.. I'm pr-pregnant" I frown and hug her knowing this is hard for her "I thought y'all were being safe" I say "we were, just not one night and I guess that's when it happened"

"I'm sorry" she wipes her tears "just don't tell anyone please, especially not Eddie" I nod with hesitation "you need to tell him before it all goes down" she nods "you guys ok?" I hear Jenny ask

"Amelia tell her" Jenny looks at us with a veryyy confused look "um-shit I'm uh pregnant?" Jenny smiles "oh my good! That's grea- or not.." Amelia's lip starts to quiver "I'm scared Jen"

"Don't be love, you're gonna be ok" I smile "we just gotta make it past this vecna asshole" I say "oh my god what if he hurts to baby!" Amelia starts to panic but we comfort her

"You and the baby will be ok, and Eddie don't worry about anything" Jenny tells her "could I see the test?" Jenny asks amelia

"Oh yeah sure" she takes it out and hands us both one "can't believe there's a baby in there" I say in awe

I may cat all tough but I mean I'm gonna be an aunt! Thats pretty cool "Princessssss" I hear eddie call as the stairs creek "shit hide the tests!" Amelia mumbles and we do "hi baby" she returns "come backkkk" he whines

"Clingy much?" Jenny laughs "shut up and go make out with Steve" Eddie tells her "you and Steve!?" Thats surprising I thought he was I love with Nancy

"We're not dating yet! Gosh" Eddie smiles At Amelia "what?" He shrugs "you're so pretty" and pregnant but he doesn't know that yet

"Jenny we should go upstairs" I suggest and she nods with a wink towards my sister 'don't worry, you're gonna be fine' I mouth and she smiles

Eddie's pov
"What was that about?" I ask "oh um nothing I guess" liar "Amelia" she sighs and pouts at me calling her that "I need you to tell me whatever's wrong" she shakes her head

"What's wrong" I sit on the couch and pull her gently to join me, I put her on my lap facing me "n-nothing" she stutters "you stutter when you're nervous" she nods "I'm fine re-really" I kiss her head

"Don't lie to me you're really bad at it" she laughs a bit I smile

"Eddie..." I immediately look up at her and nod "yes darling?" "Something happened and it's kinda scary.." I frown "you can tell me" I notice her eyes getting glossy "don't cry princess I got you" I pull her into a hug and don't let go

"I'm pregnant.." she whispers and my eyes widen "really?" I feel her nod "when did you find out?" "Today at the conner store, then I told max and Jenny but they told me I had to tell you before everything" she pulls back from the hug and gasps

"Why are you crying?" She asks "Im so happy." I say quietly "really?" I nod "We're gonna have a babbyyyyy!" I jump off the couch spinning her around as shrieks and giggles fill the room

"I Love you!" She tells me "I love you so much you couldn't even imagine" I kiss her as I set her down

"GUYS WERE GOING NOW!" I hear Dustin shout from upstairs "coming Henderson!" I shout back "let's go my princess and my little pig" she giggles "pig?" I nod "yup"

She laughs "you want a test to keep?" I smile "how many did you take!?" I ask "like 7" she hands me one and I stare at it in awe "ok my love let's go" I grab her hand and walk upstairs

I look at max and Jenny and they both have these big smiles on their faces so I smile back

"Ok let's get into my van" I tell everyone since it's the biggest

We hurry in but Steve drives so no one gets caught Jenny and Nancy are up front with him, max eleven will Lucas and Mike are all in the middle and me Robin Amelia and Dustin are in the back

Amelia's talking to Robin and I'm talking to Dustin

"Dude you would not believe it" I say and he shrugs "what?" I smile and put my hand on Amelia's stomach "Huh?" I groan "I'm gonna be a dad Henderson! A dad" he smiles "no shit really?" I smile

"It's crazy I put a baby in there" Amelia puts her hand on top of mine still engaging in her conversation "isn't this a bad time though? I mean eddie you're wanted for murder and there's a monster running around" I nod "I know it wasn't planned but I'm happy and I can't wait to be a dad" he smiles

"What if something happens?" He says to me in a quieter tone "it won't " I assure him in a concerned tone "Eddie you can't-" I give him a look

"Eddie" I immediately turn to Amelia with  a smile

"Yes darling?" She sighs "m'tired" I nod "I know baby I know but we gotta kill that craza monster and then we can cuddle and sleep alllll you want" by now Robin is looking out the window and Amelia is as a close as possible with her head on my shoulder

"I'm scared" I nod but just kiss her softly "it's gonna be ok, right?" She nods and closes her eyes trying to get as much rest as possible

"We're 7 minutes away, everyone remember the plan?" Mama Stevie asks "yes" we all groan

I take the pregnancy test out of my pocket and smile at it "my babies" she looks up at me "you're a loser" she jokes and I gasp "how dare you say that in front of children!" I joke back causing a fit of giggles to start

"You both are losers" Robin informs us "well thank you for that bit of information Robin" Amelia smiles at me

"Hm?" She shrugs "Just loving you" I blush slightly but smile

"We're here!" Jenny announces to all of us and I frown, getting out of the van and looking at my trailer that has a portal in it that we some how covered up "still surprised your uncle didn't find this" I shrug "I dunno"

"Ok well let's get  going" Steve guides us and now we're all standing under the portal "this is our parting" Amelia says

I frown and look at her, Lucas, max and frown "You all need to be safe, remember the plan and stick to it" Jonathan says and they nod "Max I'll be in your mind for extra protection just in case" eleven tells her

I walk over to the love of my life and wrap my arms around her "be careful princess" she smiles "you be careful" she says back "I'm always careful" I joke and she looks at her belly and laughs "you sure?" I roll my eyes and give her a kiss

"Bye baby" she says "bye"

I'm not loving this story anymore but it's hard writing the vecna stuff, and trust me I know it's veryyyy rushed but I'm trying I'm trying

Much love

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