Its always been you

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Amelia's pov
"I'm tiredddd" I groan while laying beside the lake in Eddie's jacket over just my underwear and bra

"Let's get back to the cabin then, we're leaving anyways" Steve says and I nod "come on princess" Eddie holds out his hand and I shake my head "carry meeee" I whine and he sighs but does it with no argument

He throws me over his shoulder and I giggle "not like thissss!" I look at the others and they're laughing "shut u- Eddie!" I felt him smack my butt "sorry love, it was right here I had to" I see Jenny and shake my head

She's taking pictures on her camera that she always has

"Stoppp" I groan "nope, I love y'all" she argues "I hate them" Robin says and I stick my tongue out "rude"

"Your ass looks smackable too" I say to him "don't you dare" I smile and start smacking it like drums "Amelia!" I stop and blush "woooow the kink is revealed!" Robin announces and I tilt my head in confusion "dominance" she says and I blush deeper

"Be quiet" I tell her

"We're hereeee!" Steve announces
"Byeeee im gonna miss y'all" I say as I hug them all before they leave

"Stay safe" Eddie tells them and they nod "you too" Steve says

They all walk out and I grab Eddie's hands and pull him on the couch, playing with his hands. Practically just admiring them "I love you" he says and I smile, kissing his hand "I love you too"

Then all of a sudden there frantic knocking on the door "they missed us already" I joke as I stand up and open the door "missed us al- what are you guys doing here?" I look at the three standing in front of me. Hopper, Nancy and Dustin

"We have some news..." Nancy says slowly "good or bad?" Eddie asks hesitantly "um.. well Um probably not good at all" I look at them with wide eyes


"So there was another news broadcast about Eddie and the killings, and all of Hawkins was watching" I nod "They were saying how they know who did it and said the name.." I look at Eddie and he shakes his head

"Who?" He asks "You..." Dustin says

His grip on my hand tightens and I nod "so all of Hawkins thinks Eddie killed Chrissy and Fred?" "That's not all" Nancy tells us

"What do you mean?" "They think he killed someone else too"

"Ok...who?" She sighs "they think he killed you too.. This is how it was said. 'The Hawkins luck has gotten no better as another murder could be in play. 18 year old Amelia Mayfield is missing and we think we know the culprit, 19 year old Eddie Munson who is a Hawkins hog student himself. Sources have said that Eddie and Amelia have never talked and the only connection they have is going to the same school and living In the same trailer park. Another source says that Amelia hasn't been home since the murders but her mom and sister have. So where could she be? We aren't sure but we have our leads. Please keep her and the others in your prayers, stay safe Hawkins' thats when we knew we had to get here"

I shake my head and look at Eddie

He's crying.... He never cries In front of people, barely even me. I then notice that his hands are shaking and his lip is trembling

"Eddie are you ok..?" Dustin asks and there's no response

I turn my whole body towards him and hug him tightly, he buries his head in my neck and cries while holding me as tight as possible "th-they think I-I killed y-you....." he whispers in between sobs. I put on my my hands on his head and cry silently

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