Im so sorry

15 2 0

Wills Pov
"Dude! Max is hurt apparently almost gotten by vecna!" Mike shouts at me, el, Nancy and Jonathan "what!?" Nancy asks "is she ok?" I ask frantically "yeah yeah, we just need to get there fast" I look at el and can tell she's mad

"Eleven she's ok" Mike tells her and she smiles "let's go" she says as we all walk out the door
"Max, oh my god are you ok?" Nancy asks max as we walk into her trailer and see her and Amelia on the couch "yeah just um startled, almost died" I frown

"We need to kill that mother fucker" Steve announces "well how?" Lucas says

"We've defeated many monsters before we can do it again" Robin try's to lighten the mood but I shake my head "Vecna, he's much much stronger" max tells us all

"When vecna strikes what happens?" Amelia asks max "um I hear a clock first and then not to long after he's there and you're like.. trapped? Can't move or anything"  I nod

"There's been three victims, two deaths. Do you think maybe just maybe the four chimes is supposed to stand for 4 deaths?" Dustin says and I look at everyone else "it makes sense" Nancy says

"But who's the next victim?" Eddie asks looking around "that's the hard part, we don't know. We need to kill vecna before he gets anyone else, something has to happen after the four deaths and it's can't be good" I tell them

Amelia stands up and walks outside causing all of us to look around in confusion

"We need a plan and we need it now" My brother tells us

"We need to fine where vecna is 'hiding' " Steve says "we need more information" Nancy says to him

Amelia's pov
This is all to much I just can't handle all of this

•My brother died
•One of my friends died
•my boyfriend gets framed for the killing of that friend
•he has to hide and then I have to leave him
•and then my sister almost died!?

What's next!? I die? My boyfriend dies? Everyone I care about dies!?!

"Amelia?" I hear someone call out I look behind me at Eddie's trailer and see his uncle "Mr.Munson, hey" I walk over to him and he gives me a small smile "how've you been?" He asks

"I've been ok... not good at all but I mean ok" he nods "I've been shit, been looking for Eddie all over and I'm starting to think I'll never find the boy" I frown

"Yeah" I hate that he doesn't know "I have been making myself feel better by remembering all the memories of him, most of the good ones include you" I smile "I remember the first time I met you, eddie was so nervous that I was gonna say or do something to embarrass him. I couldn't help but laugh. He really wanted to impress you" I laugh

"A big dork he is" he tells me "I also remember walking in the house around 10 pm and seeing the two of you tangled up In each others limbs, his mouth wide open snoring quietly. Your hands in his hair and your head in his neck made me happy knowing he had someone that truly understood him" I begin to tear up a bit without realizing

"I also remember when he came home drunk as ever and I asked him why he was so drunk and he said 'Amelia didn't kiss me' and I was so confused why that was such a big deal but then you walked into the trailer with a face of guilt almost. Of course I asked you and you explained that you had to go to cheer practice and then he got upset saying that you care more about cheer then him. It was funny" I laugh

"You kissed him and he all of a sudden was better" he shakes his head "You have any you want to share?" He asks

"I remember one time, in our earlier days of dating he told me that you taught him how to play guitar. Of course I thought that was very very sweet so I asked him more about you and he went on for hoursss on how much he admires you. It warmed my heart" I look at Wayne and see tears

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he looks at me and smiles "happy tears I promise" I smile "we need to stay strong and not give up on our boy" he tells me and at that I let a tear fall

He hugs me tightly "thank you for everything you did for my nephew, if I never see him again I'm glad to know that he always had you" I nod

"I'll find him, you will see him I promise." He nods "well you better get back inside, it's very uneasy out here" I sigh "mr munson can you stay here for a moment?" He nods

"I'll be right back"

I run back inside and look at eddie "Ed..." he looks at me weirdly "yes?" I go over to him and drag him off the couch "you need to go out there to your uncle please, he needs to know you're ok"

"But I can't be seen" I groan "please,no one is gonna see you I promise just come on!" He follows me outside and as soon as the door closes Wayne looks up and his face brightens

"Eddie..." he says as he walks over and hugs his nephew "where've you been! I was worried sick" I smile as I see Eddie's face

"I had to hide so I wouldn't get arrested" he tells him "you didn't do it did you.." he shakes his head "hell no! She came to the trailer asking for drugs then she got like- she collapsed I guess" he nods "where have you been hiding" "Jim hoppers cabin" I nod

"Come inside come inside" we go inside the trailer and Eddie gasps "shit-I've missed this place" I smile and rub his back as he was getting a bit emotional

"It was swarmed by police, they left about two days ago" he nods "I came here yesterday" Wayne nods "why didn't you come by!?"

"Couldn't risk it I'm sorry" I sigh and walk into Eddie's room and flop on the bed

I look around his room from my spot on the bed and giggle when I see my nude Polaroid on his dresser, god if his uncle has seen that

I move around on the bed and get into my usual spot on his not so great mattress, closing my eyes for a little
"Princess" I look over at him and smile "can't say I've missed this bed baby" he laughs a bit and joins me on the bed, cuddling me "I told Max I would sleep in her room tonight with her,so we can't stay here long" he nods

"I think I'm gonna stay here tonight if that's ok?" I smile "of course it is.. also you might wanna hide that polaroid of my naked body

He shoots up and looks around his room as I laugh "shit forgot about that" he gets up and puts it in his pocket

I take his hand and look at his watch

"It's 9, I'm gonna go back to my trailer, I love you. Come over in the morning so we can all figure things out ok?" He kisses me and smiles "ok, I love you too princess have a good night my love"

I get up and walk out of his room, saying bye to Wayne and going back to the trailer and going to maxs room

"Hey max" she smiles and takes off her headphones "hi"

"You feeling ok?" She shrugs "not really" I frown and sit next to her on the bed "I'm sorry max I really am" she nods

"I know I just, I don't even know. Ever since Billy's death you've been all over eddie and your friends, which is great that you have people to be around and to comfort you. I don't feel like I did or do, I know I had you but you were always busy. I pushed away all my friends and now I almost died without making up with all of them" I frown

"I'll try harder to be here for you, I really thought you just didn't wanna talk to me" she shakes her head and lays back on the bed

"I always wanted to talk to you" I lay next to her "I love you max, I always will" "I love you to Amelia, even if you're annoying" I roll my eyes

"Whatever" she puts her headphones back on and we both fall asleep

Y'all I really don't like this chapter at all and I feel like it's so random

I hope you enjoyed


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